Closed war12542715712 closed 1 year ago
Hey! i just wanted to ask cuz im new to github, how can i exactly make it run.. i would appreciate any help!
Hey! i just wanted to ask cuz im new to github, how can i exactly make it run.. i would appreciate any help!
Here u go,
Hey! i just wanted to ask cuz im new to github, how can i exactly make it run.. i would appreciate any help!
Download Visual Studio and open the solution. 2 errors I got when trying to build the solution was a package not being found and a file was blocked by Microsoft defender. Both a simple fix if you just google the error.
And if you want to use instead of just open the output log and it outputs all 5 summoner names for you to copy paste into Or you can use just implement it yourself in the solution since all the code is there.
Thank you Baseult for this flawless tool!
Yo, whats your discord? Links don't work. :(
Looks good but is there a way u could add 2 things, a way to know which summoner is corresponding Ally and instead of, Thanks