Bashamega / WebDevTools
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Dummy json Data #61

Closed Bashamega closed 4 weeks ago

Bashamega commented 4 months ago

Hello:) The feature request is to make a json data generator similar to mockaroo, but more user friendly. This is open for contibutions

thchan1992 commented 3 months ago

Hi @Bashamega would you be able to assign it to me. i would love to contribute this. Thank you so much!

Bashamega commented 3 months ago

Hi @Bashamega would you be able to assign it to me. i would love to contribute this. Thank you so much!


thchan1992 commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @Bashamega! I've just completed the function. Currently, the types of data available are quite limited, but I've designed it to be really expandable. I've also documented the process in the code file, making it easy for contributors to follow and extend the available types.

Bashamega commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @Bashamega! I've just completed the function. Currently, the types of data available are quite limited, but I've designed it to be really expandable. I've also documented the process in the code file, making it easy for contributors to follow and extend the available types.

Thank you I will take a look

Shikamaru1988 commented 1 month ago

Hello Guys! i'm new to opensource contribution is it still open this issue ?

Bashamega commented 1 month ago

Hello Guys! i'm new to opensource contribution is it still open this issue ?

Yes, it is still open

Smnthjm08 commented 1 month ago

hey @Bashamega is the issue still open

Bashamega commented 1 month ago

hey @Bashamega is the issue still open


joharkhan99 commented 1 month ago

Hey @Bashamega this feature looks great. If no one is working on this. I would like to volunteer for this feature.

Bashamega commented 1 month ago

Hey @Bashamega this feature looks great. If no one is working on this. I would like to volunteer for this feature.

Great. Start working on it

Younis-Ahmed commented 1 month ago

Hi @Bashamega

Hope you are doing well, I just noticed this issue has been assigned to @joharkhan99.

Kindly consider this PR #73 to be a fallback or feel free to ignore it, I just had fun creating the functionality and i would appreciate being part of this project.

Have a great day

joharkhan99 commented 4 weeks ago

hello @Younis-Ahmed I appreciate that you want to contribute to this project. I was also working on this feature. But that's ok. I saw your changes and the preview as well. It has some issues which would need fixing. Like, unable to scroll down to options, Not a lot of types available choose from. The overall UI is not very user-friendly. So maybe try working on that.

Bashamega commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @Bashamega

Hope you are doing well, I just noticed this issue has been assigned to @joharkhan99.

Kindly consider this PR #73 to be a fallback or feel free to ignore it, I just had fun creating the functionality and i would appreciate being part of this project.

Have a great day

He didn't complete his so I am going to assign you this and check your pr later today. Thank you very much

Younis-Ahmed commented 4 weeks ago

@joharkhan99 Thank you for your feedback, Please elaborate on your points

@Bashamega yeah this works for me, awaiting your feedback on the PR

you both have a great day