Bashamega / WebDevTools
13 stars 17 forks source link

Responsive design #77

Open Bashamega opened 3 weeks ago

Bashamega commented 3 weeks ago

We are looking for a contributor who is willing to make the new website responsive.

NOTE: Please work on the beta branch

KumarPraveer commented 3 weeks ago

I am very first time here, and want to make your website responsive, let me know the way how can i do so!😅

Bashamega commented 3 weeks ago

I am very first time here, and want to make your website responsive, let me know the way how can i do so!😅

Hello:) You can follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repo NOTE: Uncheck the Copy the main branch only. option
  2. Clone it Intall git to your machine and run these commands:
    git clone
    cd WebDevTools
    git checkout main
  3. Install dependencies: Install node and npm, then run this:
    npm i
  4. Open the server by running:
    npm run dev
  5. Modifying the code then pushing to your fork repo then open a pr
J11tendra commented 3 weeks ago

@Bashamega As the issue is not assigned to anyone; I would like to work on this issue!! Can you assign me this issue?

Bashamega commented 3 weeks ago

@Bashamega As the issue is not assigned to anyone; I would like to work on this issue!! Can you assign me this issue?


J11tendra commented 3 weeks ago

I've started working on this issue.