BasicMyth / slashem-macosx

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slashem-macosx #1

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Hi, I tried running the "slashem-macosx" and it seemed to run perfectly until 
it came time to map the dungeon. It let me pick race, class, and gender but 
then gives me the error: "Configuration incompatibility for file "dungeon". 
This is a real bummer as I've had quite a bit of trouble getting this game to 
run on my Mac with OS X (10.5.8). Any solutions? The download promised, "A 
SlashEM distribution for Mac OS X that runs without install (you can unzip it 
and simply double click the executable and it will run instantly). TTY only at 
this stage." And this was exactly what I wanted, but alas, it seems not yet to 

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Perhaps the programmer can look into the issue and fix the problem.
2. Perhaps there is some adjustment that needs to be made before running the 
program that can be suggested. 
3. Perhaps I am lame.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Are there any other versions of Slashem that will run on Mac OSX without too 
much trouble?

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I already answered these questions.

Please provide any additional information below.
Perhaps "" can look into it.

Original issue reported on by on 8 Jul 2010 at 6:13

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
The last message is this:
Program initialization has failed.
Report error to "wizard".
Dungeon description not valid.

Original comment by on 8 Jul 2010 at 6:14