BasioMeusPuga / twitchy

CLI streamlink wrapper for
GNU General Public License v3.0
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URxvt is not showing colours on one my computers #6

Closed Hund closed 7 years ago

Hund commented 7 years ago

I have two computers with Arch Linux, both using URxvt with Zsh and they should have pretty much the same setups, because I'm boring. But only on of them shows colors correctly. The faulty ones shows only white, grey and red.

I currently have version r123.cd04489-1 installed via AUR on the machine which is not working.

I'm not sure how to debug this? Colors is working just fine outside of Twitchy.

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

Could you update to r133.478dddf-1 and tell me if this persists? Just yaourt -S twitchy-git should do it. git packages don't follow the whole -Syua thing.

Hund commented 7 years ago

Ops, I copied the wrong string. I'm already using version r133.478dddf-1.

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

My first thought was the color scheme on the faulty machine. I use white-on-black on konsole and the colors are basically in accordance with that. I tried using a solarized urxvt, and that does mess up the color scheme. Could you try using a different .Xdefaults? Or maybe another terminal emulator for the purpose of debugging this?

Hund commented 7 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention it worked when I tried another terminal emulator. I have also tried various different colours in the config as well.

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid I'm stumped. This combination of factors doesn't quite lend itself to pointing where the problem is. I'll experiment a bit with alternate escape codes. I'll update this if and when I find something.

Hund commented 7 years ago

This is just so weird. I just tried the Gruvbox colorscheme with URxvt and it works then. But not with my Solarized colors? :|

Gruvbox: My colors:

I even changed my config to directly use the HEX-values instead of the defined variables and it didn't work. It's super weird.

Hund commented 7 years ago

I might have found someting. Solarized uses only 8 colours. It looks like Twitchy uses the colors 9-16. Changing it to use the first 8 colours should solve the issue. :)


Hund commented 7 years ago

I tried to make a pull request, but GitHub doesnt allow me for some reason. I fixed the issue myself though, you can check it out here:

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the changes. I sat down early this morning without coffee to fix that other bug, and I may have dozed off on my keyboard.

I've merged your commit into master (possibly by pressing buttons randomly).

Hund commented 7 years ago

Haha! No coffee before work is dangerous. :)

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

Are you sure this is working for you? I'm not getting any colors at all now. Except, of course, dark orange and dark cyan.


I really don't know much about terminal color schemes to make a reliable guess about what's happening. This could be a background color affecting everything bug.

I'm reverting the commit for now. But the issue is back to being open.

Hund commented 7 years ago

Weird, it works for me.

Hund commented 7 years ago

I would attach a image if GitHub worked... And I wouldn't double post if GitHub would allow me to edit my own comments... :|

Hund commented 7 years ago

I give up. :P Here you go:

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

Twitch is shifting to v5 of their api in some time. While that would require only a partial rewrite, I've decided to do a more comprehensive redo of the entire program. It should, in theory, make the curses version easier, and allow for more granular settings. At this point, I'd advise pressing F5 here eventually.

Hund commented 7 years ago

Sound cool! :) F5?

BasioMeusPuga commented 7 years ago

The refresh button? Between F4 and F6? That thing everyone on the planet does after a Game of Thrones episode on 'those' websites?

Hund commented 7 years ago

Ah! Haha, I though that was F4. I've been using Vi-like web browsers for a very long time now.

Hund commented 6 years ago

Any news about this? :) I would be nice to not have to manually change the source code all the time.