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migrate from `csv` files to `sqlite` databases for downstream use in queries #120

Open rfl-urbaniak opened 4 months ago

rfl-urbaniak commented 4 months ago
  1. All csv data are now in two .db files for the two levels of analysis (counties and msa). Prior to deployment of dbs to the polis server, these live locally. As the db files are now too large to store on GitHub, the user needs to run before the first use to generate the db locally.

  2. The original DataGrabber classes have been refactored, renamed to ...CSV and decoupled from use dowstream.

  3. The new DataGrabberDB class has been introduced and passed on to function as generic DataGrabber and MSADataGrabber.

  4. Additional tests for DataGrabberDB have been introduced in test_data_grabber_sql. Additionally, DataGrabberDB under the generic alias passes all the tests that the original DataGrabber did.

  5. generate_sql.ipynb (docs/experimental) contains performance tests for both approaches. At least in the current setting the orignal method is faster. The main culprit seems to be:

13    0.013    0.001    0.013    0.001 {method 'fetchall' of 'sqlite3.Cursor' objects}

This is not too surprising, after some reflection, as illustrated by this comment from ChatGPT:

Screenshot from 2024-03-12 08-44-32

  1. As the ultimate tests of the switch to DB would involve data updates and model retraining, I leave the original .csv files and classes until those events. Keep in mind they are now not needed for queries to work correctly (they are needed to generate the .db files and for some of the tests).

  2. The new pytest release leads to incompatibilities that might be worth investigating later. For now, fixed the pytest version to be 7.4.3. in

  3. Some cleaning scripts have been moved to a subfolder, which required a small refactoring of import statements in generic data cleaning pipeline scripts.

  4. Incorrect indentation in a DataGrabber test has been fixed.

  5. It turns out that isort with --profile black on the runner still works as if without this profile. Checked versions between local install and the one on the runner, the version numbers are the same. More people have similar issues, I suspended isort and decided to trust black, at least till stable isort 6.0 gets out.

  6. Inference tests succeed with pyro-ppl==1.8.5 fail with pyro-ppl==1.9. For now fixed the version number in, but will think about investigating this deeper.

rfl-urbaniak commented 4 months ago

Have been running into this issue apparently.

rfl-urbaniak commented 4 months ago

still issues with what isort does between CI and locally, despite the version numbers being the same. Other people have faced this, I'm looking for a solution, but slowly considering using black w/o isort at least till switching to isort 6.0