Basssiiie / OpenRCT2-RideVehicleEditor

A plugin for OpenRCT2 that lets you edit vehicles on any ride in your park on the fly.
MIT License
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Dynamic Visuals for Ride Vehicles #117

Open jhadenfeld93 opened 11 months ago

jhadenfeld93 commented 11 months ago

Idea Please describe what you'd like to see added or changed. An idea that I have is for the ability to pick a certain spot on the track and have the ride vehicles automatically change visuals on that spot. In my mind, it could work similar to the Advanced Track plug-in. So if there was a Transformers-themed coaster, the ride could start with a street-race section with automobile cars and then at a set point on the ride, the cars would visually at least change to look like Optimus Prime(then there would obviously be a 2nd location where it would switch back to the original). I know the vehicles actually changing shape mid-ride is not realistic, but my thought is this could be used to simulate a VR type ride experience, where this kind of thing would be possible.


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Basssiiie commented 11 months ago

Hey jhadenfeld93,

Thank you for your suggestion!

I like your idea, unfortunately it's currently not really possible to implement such functionality in the plugin. An important idea of this plugin is that everything you do will still work if you save the park and send it to someone who does not have the plugin. What AdvancedTrack does not fit that rule; all its features will stop working once you open the park without the plugin.

Fortunately there is an alternative that is build into RCT2/OpenRCT2 and it could work without any using plugins, by using a custom created vehicle specifically for this purpose. Each variant of that vehicle will need to specify which variant it swaps to after it will go through a log flume reverser (there's a property for this inside the object). If done correctly, then instead of just reversing the vehicle, this trick can allow you to chain together 4 different stages/variants, without any plugins at all. 😄 But because this setting is inside the object itself, it cannot be controlled by a plugin like RideVehicleEditor.

Hope it helps! If you have any more questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know. 🙂

jhadenfeld93 commented 11 months ago

OK. I am working on a Pokémon themed park and I thought I could use something like this to build a Ditto Coaster that would travel around the park racing/dueling each other coaster in turn. And when it would race a certain other Pokémon coaster, its track, color scheme, and ride vehicles would change to match its companion coaster. I appreciate the response and I can still do the track and color scheme at least.

jhadenfeld93 commented 11 months ago

Why 4 variants? Is that a property of the vehicle itself? And are you saying the reverser log flume track just switches from 1 variant to the next? If so, that might be workable.

Basssiiie commented 11 months ago

@jhadenfeld93 Vehicles in the vanilla game are limited to a maximum of 4 variants. AFAIK OpenRCT2 has not yet raised this limit for custom vehicles.

The specific property I'm talking about is this one: logFlumeReverserVehicleType. It specifies which variant to switch through after entering a log flume reverser.

Hope it helps. :)

jhadenfeld93 commented 10 months ago

Thanks. I do have one other suggestion or request that I think would fit with your design philosophy. Would there be a way to save the trains on a ride as a template for use later? What I mean is I have a giga coaster with 6 trains that are each 6 cars long and most of the cars have their own unique color scheme. So would it be possible to allow me to save the setting for all of those as a template so when I place the coaster I can simply open my template for that coaster and apply the colors all at once instead of having to go through all 36 cars individually? I'm thinking it could be similar to the scenery manager template. It of course would have limited use in general play, but I would absolutely use and appreciate such a feature for my Pokemon Park. Thanks again.

Basssiiie commented 10 months ago

@jhadenfeld93 I think that's a nice idea that could be implemented yes. Would you like to make a different issue for that or shall I make one for it? 😀

jhadenfeld93 commented 10 months ago

Whatever works better for you. I ran into that issue when my Eevee ride crashed. After resetting it, I had to go back and manually change all the colors back. That was tedious. But thanks. Luckily I had an old save file with the trains colored correctly so I could simply refer to it instead of trying to recreate the arrangement from memory. Edit: I went ahead and created a new issue for saving the color schemes.