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Separating Hong Kong from China on the geomap #89

Open lifehome opened 5 years ago

lifehome commented 5 years ago

I know this sounds political, but after a failed discussion and being personal attacked on Discord, I feel the need to bring this up as an issue on Github.

As this issue is similar to #77 in the opposite way, it is often confused and hard to obtain data from the city of Hong Kong. And since Taiwan has its own map then I think Hong Kong should have one too.

MiniDigger commented 5 years ago

my point still stands, displaying individual cities is stupid.

I also fail how pointing out the egoistical nature of this request is a personal attack, but oh well.

lifehome commented 5 years ago

As you see in #77 bStats is using ISO 3166-1, in that list Hong Kong is separated from China, plus I cannot find Berlin or Madrid individually exists on that list, but Hong Kong does.

And please play nice, this is a sensitive topic for locals yet sound ridiculous to foreigners, I hope you can understand that I am taking this seriously.

DoNotSpamPls commented 5 years ago

I agree, since Hong Kong is included in the ISO 3166-1 standard, there's no reason why it shouldn't be on bStats as a seperate country. Will try to make a PR soon:tm:

ljacqu commented 5 years ago

Let me preface this by saying I absolutely don't care if you end up splitting HK from China or not. It probably makes sense, given its size and autonomy.

All I wanted to mention was that deciding whether to list a country/territory based on the existence of an abbreviation in ISO-3166-1 doesn't make sense. The goal of the standard is to provide a standard set of abbreviations for countries and territories; it's not a political whitelist of any sort. For instance, there is no official code for Kosovo, whereas abbreviations have been defined for Guam, Greenland and Puerto Rico.

Edit: What about Macao?

DoNotSpamPls commented 5 years ago

The standard allows us to have some sort of idea as to what to include. Yes, we know it's not perfect, but it allows us to not get involed into political issues too much

Bastian commented 5 years ago

Feel free to create a PR. :)

MrIvanPlays commented 5 years ago

Then why not separating Sofia from Bulgaria? Or Belgrade from Serbia ? Or Skopije from North Macedonia ? Hong Kong is in China and it wont be separated.

Luohuayu commented 5 years ago


MiniDigger commented 5 years ago

what has some dude that made some variant of rice to do with this?

lifehome commented 5 years ago

I just can't believe the conversation still persist derailing from the comply of ISO-3166-1. Just FYI @MrIvanPlays, Hong Kong has it's autonomy that is high enough to get into ISO-3166-1. Perhaps it's time for you to stick with the facts and standards that existed for decades.

BTW I agree @ljacqu with Macao, but I'm kinda busy and being arrested, so can't make a PR.

Bastian commented 5 years ago

I'm going to lock this issue, as I don't want to have any political discussions going on here.

bStats should use the ISO-3166-1standard. If it does not follow the standard at some places, I will happily merge any PR that fixes these deviations.