BastianGschrey / PowerTune

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Virtual Dyno via Raspberry Pi SenseHat Acceleromter and qt charts #36

Open MarkusIppy opened 6 years ago

MarkusIppy commented 6 years ago

weight : car weight in Kg (user input) acceleromter : in g (from acceleration sensor)

Calculate Power in KW

KW = ((weight) (accelerometer/ 9.80665) (accelerometer/ 9.80665)) /1000

Calculate Torque in NM

Torque (N.m) = (9.5488 x kW) / RPM

shadowm60 commented 3 years ago

P = F V; We can simplify so F = E (engine force) E = m a; m - is vehicle weight, a (m/s) = can be measured between two vss captures.

Here is a nice example on how to do it:

In this solution we do not take into consideration the drag that we create moving the car forward, i think this would be the next step, but for that the simplest way i can think is to accelerate the car and then switch to neutral and let it slow down, with the deceleration we could "estimate" the drag coefficient. but i would say that is doable after some tests.