Batterii / objection-paginator

Paginated queries for Objection.js
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Knex upgrade #8

Open SkeLLLa opened 3 years ago

SkeLLLa commented 3 years ago

Hi. Are there any plans of knex upgrading? Are there any migration issues?

sripberger commented 3 years ago

There are some migration issues but I imagine they're small. Seems they changed some of their type definitions.

I'll take a look this weekend when I have some more time. :+1:

sripberger commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the delay. Version 0.7.0 was just published, which expands the peer dependencies to include knex 0.21.

As for knex 0.95, that will also require moving to objection 3. Once I've made sure everything is good with both of these, I will publish again as objeciton-paginator@0.8.0. This should be done today or tomorrow, I imagine.