Battery-Intelligence-Lab / SLIDE

SLIDE is C++ code that simulates degradation of lithium ion cells. It extends the single particle model with various degradation models from literature. Users can select which degradation models they want to use for a given simulation.
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Matlab plot titles and legends render underscore as subscript #2

Closed wigging closed 2 years ago

wigging commented 2 years ago

Titles, legends, and other labels in the Matlab figures render the IDs as a subscript because the text contains an _ underscore. For example, the following

should be changed to something like

title(strcat('cell temperature of ', IDs{i}))  
title(['cell temperature of ', IDs{I}], 'Interpreter', 'none')

Also, the scipts folder is mispelled; it should be scripts.

ElektrikAkar commented 2 years ago

Hi Gavin,

It is very nice to hear your further feedback! I am sorry for the late reply. I have fixed the problem in all files under ReadCycleAgeing.m. Since it is not an emergency, I would like to check other files in future. However, I would be grateful if you could directly contribute via pull request in case of any further similar problems. I also understand that it would be very difficult this time since the typo in the folder name was obscuring seeing changes in scripts. Many thanks.

PS: I am marking this issue as fixed but do not close it before checking for occurences in other files.

wigging commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'll run the latest code in the develop branch. I will submit a pull request if I find any more underscore issues in the Matlab figures.

wigging commented 2 years ago

I ran the ReadCalendarAgeing.m, ReadCCCV.m, ReadCycleAgeing.m, ReadFollowCurrent.m scripts and all the figure titles and labels look fine. So feel free to close this issue unless there is something else to discuss.