Battle-Brothers-Legends / Legends-Bugs

Public bug tracker for Legends mod
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[BUG] Game freezes on merc with Named 1-Handed Riposte Sword #172

Open Tissarr opened 4 months ago

Tissarr commented 4 months ago

Game freezes when merc with Named 1-Handed Riposte Sword starts his turn and game rolls him to start it with riposte (the 18.2.2 new feature). I can still access the inventory, menu, options. The game doesn't allow me to use the merc; so I have to reload the auto save. So using xBreditor I spawned myself some fencing named swords and it happens on any merc. (Also about half of spawned sword didn't show/had at all, the 'chance to start in riposte' stated)

I also run the game on mods that I don't think are interfering with new spawned weapons nor their stats. I can provide the list if necessary and the save.

ViniciusAz commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem. Ive got a named 1-h sword with 10% Chance to Riposte on Turn Start and everytime the turn start with riposte the game freeze... BB Legends 18.2.3
