Battle-Brothers-Legends / Legends-Bugs

Public bug tracker for Legends mod
35 stars 2 forks source link

[BUG] Incomplete tavern rumor #193

Open Silica-Pathways opened 4 days ago

Silica-Pathways commented 4 days ago


Describe the bug Incomplete tavern rumor text.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to settlement with tavern.
  2. Open tavern.
  3. May have incomplete rumor text.

Screenshots 20240706114502_1

BreakyZ commented 18 hours ago

In the future please post your log attached

Silica-Pathways commented 15 hours ago

In the future please post your log attached

What's the point if fixing a single bug takes half a year for the devs of this mod ?

This ain't an important bug. If you don't want to fix it, ok, no big deal.

BreakyZ commented 15 hours ago

I would appreciate if you don't spread misinformation. The mod is worked on constantly and bugs are fixed and patched up. And considering this is a passion project we do in our free time, if you can fix this or any other error on your own I invite you to.

A bug report is meaningless without your log because this issue might be caused by other mods you're running in parallel to Legends. I tried to recreate your error but it doesn't happen for me.

Silica-Pathways commented 11 hours ago

I would appreciate if you don't spread misinformation. The mod is worked on constantly and bugs are fixed and patched up. And considering this is a passion project we do in our free time, if you can fix this or any other error on your own I invite you to.

A bug report is meaningless without your log because this issue might be caused by other mods you're running in parallel to Legends. I tried to recreate your error but it doesn't happen for me.

I reported necromancer freeze bug Oct 26, 2023:

You spent MORE than half a year fixing it. It is now 2024 July.

"A bug report is meaningless without your log because this issue might be caused by other mods you're running in parallel to Legends."

What other mods ? I only play BB and Legends. BB doesn't even have that many mods, compared to other games. It starts to sound like you are looking for excuses.

"A bug report is meaningless without your log"

I attached a savegame to my Oct 26, 2023 bug report. You apparently DID NOTHING despite that I kept tagging your folks in the thread. So what would the log change if even a savegame is not enough for you ?

And this description bug is unimportant. Can't repeat, whatever. But not fixing necro bug since 2023 October was much less nice. I hope your over half a year vacation was fun at least.