Closed Rocologo closed 4 years ago
There's an alternative Maven Repository at
Also, you can use BattlePluginsDev to download all the run-time libraries & build all the compile-time dependencies... all in a few easy commands:
git clone --recurse-submodules
mvn install -f setup.xml
mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=mc.bp -DarchetypeArtifactId=server -DarchetypeVersion=test
git checkout -- pom.xml
mvn clean install
Hopefully this helps. If not, lemme know what you're looking for.
Thanks very much. I have hooked into BattleArena from MobHunting, so I only need the repo to compile MobHunting.
I have made it so players dont get MobHunting rewards when a player kill another player in a battle. Plugins like BattleArena and MobArena usually do have its own rules for rewards and the players should not have double rewards or the benefit that they dont "really" die in a battle.
Your repo seems to be down?