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Convert Raw HTML/ CSS / JS to working pro site for new #240

Open Battler45 opened 4 years ago

Battler45 commented 4 years ago

Vihang & Vihar,

I know that both of you are working on several other tasks, but, as you have time, our next task will be to get underway on integrating the programming, etc. into the raw HTML / CSS / JS of the new website.

Vihar, the reason I've included you on this ticket is that, as we've discussed, I believe we will need to create a set of duplicate content and blog posts for this new site, which we'll then be able to work with in development without affecting the current live site. Can either you or Vihang move forward with that when you have time? I suppose this will also involve duplicating the current Sites record to a new record, and then also duplicating the site's current AdminUser to a new user.

Vihang, I've also configured a new working website for the new site. You can find it here:

You can access this site via FTP using the usual credentials, with the username, joehaydenrealtornew_dev

Once you log in to the site, you'll see that common files such as default.asp, content.asp, etc. have already been added to the site. I'm not sure how those got there -- I may have added them in copying the site, or it's possible that Arthur added them after finishing the site HTML. If you examine them and find that they don't belong there, or that you prefer to proceed in a different way, it's fine to remove or change them as needed.

In configuring this site, we are going to need to make some changes to the Communities page, by adding an number of new top-level Communities sections, and then assigning the (duplicated) pages in the content manager to the appropriate sections using the attached spreadsheet.

As you'll see in the attached spreadsheet, the client would like to add 15 new top-level sections to the new site, and many of the pages currently in the main Communities section will be re-assigned to these newly created sections.

Once that's done, the main Communities page on the new site (which includes the alphabetized list) will need to pull neighborhoods from all of these sections (similar to what we are already doing with

Can you get started with the programming integration there when you have time? Please let me know if you have any questions.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I've created new Sites record for the new JoeHaydenRealtor site (340) and have also added a new AdminUser record for Joe Hayden (1026). Pls note that the user-name for the new AdminUser is joe_new so that it could be used for accessing new site. We've also created duplicated contents / saved-searches records and have associated them with the new site.

Pls note the following points:

1 -- New sections have been added as listed in the attached spreadsheet. They have been associated with appropriate pages. Pls note that the number of pages listed in the spreadsheet is 670 whereas the total number of community pages (associated with the Communities section) is 797. Pls let me know if we need to associate those remaining 127 pages with appropriate section.

2 -- For now I haven't created duplicate blog records for the new site. I believe it would be fairly straightforward to associate blog-records with the new site as and when we launch it. For now the client can continue adding / updating blog entries. Pls let me know your inputs.

Vihang will start working on adding programming for the new front-end site.

Thanks. Posted by Shah Vihar(unfuddle username: vshah)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Excellent, thank you. When we get closer to launch, the client is going to provided us with an updated spreadsheet indicating how he would like the remaining community pages to be assigned.

Also, I agree with you regarding the blog posts / functionality.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Please find below a few questions:

1-- I believe the new site will have sidebar navigation menu (similar to some of the standard sites) instead of drop-down navigation menu. Could you please confirm this?

2-- Could you please confirm that the Community Resources link in the footer would map to the "Community Info" section?

3-- Could you please let me know the corresponding page/section for the "Louisville MLS" and "Louisville Real Estate footer links"?

4-- There is a "Text HAYDEN to 87778" widget on the home page. Could you please let me know if the site would use our "Send us a text message" functionality?

5-- I believe we will not be using Chosen plugin in this site. Please let me know if I should try to implement the jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin in this site.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


1 - Yes, that's correct.

2 - Yes, correct

3 - Louisville MLS will go to the Property Listings site map (which I believe will be "/louisville-mls/site-map/"), and I think that "Louisville Real Estate" will go to the main communities page.

4 - Good question. For now, please leave this as static content.

5 - Another good question. I believe we may need to implement jQuery UI Autocomplete because client wants address and mls # to be searchable from the main box along with city, county and subdivision. But let me get back to you on that.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have added necessary include files and converted HTML/CSS to working main pages. Please find below a few questions:

1-- I noticed that several content pages like contact, site-map etc on the live site don't have sidebar content. Could you please let me know if I should not add sidebar content for such pages on the new site as well?

2-- I also noticed that the live site has custom Free Market Analysis form. I believe the new site will also have same form. Please confirm this.

3-- Could you please let me know if I should add same programming/plugins for the Facebook/Twitter widget as on the site?

4-- I believe when the Play button on the "Your Real Estate Expert" widget is clicked, it will open a video in an overlay. Could you please confirm this?

5-- The market stats widget on this site has different attributes compared to other sites and I am not sure which field of the MLSPropertyStats table to use for these attributes. Could you please let me know the same? Also, could you please confirm that the Market Statistics page will have same Market box as in other sites.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


1 - Good question. On this site, though, I think it is fine to include sidebar content on all site pages (except for the new property listing detail page).

2 - Also a good question, but, no, in this case, I think it will be best to use the free_market_analysis_2.asp form in the /property-search/ folder, as on this site:

3 - Yes, that would be great. The programming will be slightly different because we will not have the tabs at the top of the box switching states as they do on the site, but, yes, the plugins will be the same and the basic functionality will also be the same. The links to the clients profiles are:

4 - Yes, exactly, the functionality will be very similar to what you see on, and you can use the same code and the same style overlay as on that site. The client does not yet have the finished video ready, so, for now, please use this video as a placeholder:

5 - Yes, good question. For some reason, I had failed to notice that. We do not actually have several of the stats listed in that box. So, please use the following instead:

Then, beneath the Averages header, please use:

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


One other thing -- regarding the quick search, we may need to take an approach on this site similar to what we are doing on, and load the Quick Search contents via AJAX rather than via an iframe. The reason is that, on this site, as with the site, the bottom border of the iframe is very close to the bottom border of the quick search box, and so we would not be able to display enough of the search box (auto-complete) options while the drop-down height is limited by the iframe height.

Can you look into changing that functionality to load the quick seearches via AJAX rather than in an iframe?

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I agree - the second option sounds easier. I'll work on restoring the latest sierrainteractive-1 db today. And, we can continue to make changes to the contents via the live CAA.

Thanks. Posted by Shah Vihar(unfuddle username: vshah)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Last thing on this site for today, I promise!

On the Market Statistics page:

There is a display problem with the Cherokee Triangle box header text wrapping to two lines. Can you either decrease the padding at left and right in the header of these boxes so that this text fits on one line, or shorten the title of that box to "Cherokee Tri. Trends", so that it will fit on one line? Or, as another alternative, we could specify a different area -- perhaps Indian Hills (as already included here:

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have completed most of the work on the new site.

Please note that

1-- The search tools pages, featured listings and quick search widgets are not working at present as the site is pointing to live database but uses the search tools of the dev sever.

2-- The Twitter plugin is not fitting well in the Facebook/Twitter box. Please let me know if it would be fine to use some jQuery plugin to get recent tweets, e.g.

3-- Regarding sidebar navigation, I have used the /shared/global/sicm/content/content_side_nav_li.asp file to show list of pages in the active Section. However, I am not sure if this would be the right approach as several sections, especially newly added community sections have 100+ pages. Please let me know your thoughts on displaying sidebar navigation links.

Also, it appears that a fixed height is set for the sidebar navigation box. As a result if the number of links exceeds the fixed height then the whole sidebar looks distorted. Please let me know if it would be fine to remove the fixed height.

4-- A few pages, like contact, have fixed width set in the content itself. Please let me know if it would be fine to remove the fixed width from such pages. Also, it appears that the header is centrally aligned (in the content) for most of the pages. Please let me know if I should left align the same.

5-- I noticed that the existing site has different set of styles (like XXL Bold Brown, XXL em Bold Brown etc) then the other Pro Sites. Please let me know if the new site would use the same set of styles as on the old site.

Please let me know if I should start working on the jQuery Autocomplete plugin integration.

Please check the site and let me know your feedback.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE: #13 - point-1 - I think we'll need to push all related changes in order to integrate the dev search-tools back into the live branch. That is, in addition to the changes made to the front-end sites' programming, it would be good to publish changes to the CAA as well. Then, once we are ready to launch the site, we can publish changes to the updaters (old and new) to be able to handle new detail-page url (spid). Pls let me know if I should treat this as the highest priority task.

Thanks. Posted by Shah Vihar(unfuddle username: vshah)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


A couple of additional items on the site:

1 - For the Featured Listings widget on the home page, can you please make the entire photo a link to the detail view for the listing, rather than just the Details button?

2 - Also for the Featured Listings widget, can you please use the thumbnail version of the images rather than the larger size? These thumbnail images are formatted to 140px, and the images in the widget are at 148px, so they would have to be displayed at a slightly larger size than what they actually are, but I think the savings in page load time will outweigh a small decrease in image quality.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE #8 - point-1 - a few changes will need to made in order to push the changes to live version of the search-tools. Ideally, this will also require updating a few stored-procedures and pushing changes to the old and new updater as well so that the new detail page url works fine. For now though I think we should be able to push changes assuming the new joe-hayden site will continue to use old url-structure for some time.

An alternative approach would be to restore the latest sierrainteractive-1 live db backup as dev. db and then test the site on the dev. db. Once we have all the changes in place we can then push changes to the live db / search-tools.

Pls let me know your thoughts.

Thanks. Posted by Shah Vihar(unfuddle username: vshah)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Yes, I realize the change would apply to all sites, and that would be fine. I think with the new approach the button will be more visible to site visitors. Once we launch the change, we may get feedback from clients that they don't all like it, but I think in general they will be happy that this button is more visible to help better promote their RSS feeds.

But that does bring up a good point regarding padding / spacing of this image in the blog navigation above the "HOME" link -- if you place the image within an h2 tag to achieve consistent padding, then we may experience the same type of "clickable" issue with sites that use cufon applied to the h2 style. However, aside from using the h2 tag, I'm not aware of any other way to achieve consistent padding between these elements. So, for now, why don't you try specifying a bottom-padding of 12px on this image (and not using an h2 tag), and we will see how that works.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Ah, I see. Well, whichever way you prefer is fine with me -- it does seem like the latter way might be easier. I suppose we could continue to make changes to the content for the new site via the live CAA, even if we were not able to preview those changes on the development site?

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for doing this. I am still not feeling well and have not been able to work much the past few days. I hope to be feeling better by Monday, and I will review this in more detail at that time.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have made changes in the RSS feed icon display in the dev server. Please note that, the blog navigation file is also included in the blog details page so the RSS feed icon would be displayed on the details page as well.

Please check the blog pages on the following sites and let me know if I should update the same on both the live servers.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have updated the Featured Listings widget per comment-15 and updated Market Statistics page to show stats for Indian Hills instead of Cherokee Triangle.

I have also made changes to load the Quick Search form via AJAX. However, there seems to be some issue with the listing counts row display. I spent some to on this but I am not able to fix the styling issue. Also, please note that the overflow property of the search form container (div#fadeBox) is set to hidden, as a result not all search options are visible. When I removed the overflow property the "Fewer Options" button was not working. Can you please ask Arthur/Evgen to look in to this?


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE #44:

I have updated the autocomplete implementation per point-1 and included all new section pages on the site-map page per point-4. Please check the same.

RE #46:

Yes, it would be difficult to merge the newly added/ updated content into the new site but we will try to find a solution for this. Thinking more about this, I believe it would be good to add new sections in the old site (182) and assign pages to the appropriate section per the spreadsheet when new site goes live. We can then discard the new site (340). This will require us to update the constants in the new front-end site but this would be easier compared to migrating newly added/updated content to the new site. This will also save us from re-assigning leads, admin-user and blog records and assets (images/files) to the new site. All we need to do would be to:

1-- Add new sections in the old site (182)

2-- Assign pages to appropriate sections per the spreadsheet

3-- Replace the "/property-search/" to "/louisville-mls/" in the post/pages contents.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


If you're feeling up to it, yes, please do link those images to their respective pages. Also, please do include the sidebar navigation for these (non-geographic area) sections). In the geographic areas sections, please include the "search by area" box below the featured searches box. (This is the same box that is already included on the main neighborhoods page.)

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Great, thank you.

1 - I see. Can you check with Vihar to see what needs to happen in order for us to be able to push the dev version of the search tools out to the live sites, so that we can switch the connection string on this site to point the search tools to the live server?

2 - Yes, that looks like a great idea. The Facebook widget at least fits within the box, but it is not very usable at present. Are there similar alternatives for Facebook that you have found? On the interior pages, you might also try making these containers a bit taller in order to allow a better presentation / more content to be displayed.

3 - I think this is a good approach for all but the community sections. Once we check with the client, he may want us to do something similar to what we are doing with the Archives links in the Blog -- display the first 3-5 links, with a More link below them that would display the rest when clicked.

And yes, please do remove the fixed height for the navigation box. If you have too much trouble with this, let me know and I will ask Evgen to look into it.

4 - Yes, please do remove the fixed width from such pages. And good question about centering the content / headers vs. left-aligning them. Let's wait and I will check with the client on that once we show him the site for his review. Personally, I think it best to left-align these types of things, but this particular client seems to have a passion for centering them.

5 - Also a great question. Because these styles are included in so many pages, I do think we need to preserve them in the stylesheet, but I think we are also going to want to update and change them to better match the look and feel of the new site. So, for now, please copy these styles as-is into the global.css for the site and also into the stylesheet used by the editor, and I will take a look at them once they are in place on the site.

6 - Yes, please do begin working on the jQuery autocomplete. However, before deciding to go with the standard autocomplete plugin that requires jQuery UI, could you take a look at this page: and see if any of the plugins listed there seem like a better fit (and lighter weight)? I would hate to have to include the whole jQuery UI script just for the sake of having access to the autocomplete plugin.

The site is looking great so far, thanks for your help.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


It's looking great, nice job.

There does appear to be a small issue with the site map page:

Also, there appears to be a formatting issue with the Terms of Use / Privacy Policy page -- -- can you see if you can fix that when you have a chance?


Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


2 - Thanks for working through the alternatives. I will share them with the client to get his feedback -- all three approaches are nice solutions, and so I'm not sure which one he will want.

5 - This looks great, thanks. I will make some updates to the stylesheets to bring these more into line with the fonts & colors of the new site.

6 - Thanks for researching the auto-complete plugins. Yes, I agree with your assessment -- please go ahead and use the jQuery automcomplete plugin. In setting up the site, I am going to work on improving caching of site assets (very important to client) by serving them from a cookie-less domain, so that all of these assets will only need to be loaded once.

Regarding your additional notes:

1 - On the dev database, I know we spoke about this last week, but the more I think about it, the more it seems that we may need to make integrating the search tools changes from the dev branch into the master branch a priority so that we can point this development site to the live database.

Looking at the site today, I am certain that when I show it to the client, he is going to want to get in there and begin making changes to the content right away -- and, as I understand it, that would not be a good idea while the site is pointing to the development database, correct? If that's not the case, please let me know. But, if it is the case, can you talk with Vihar to discuss what would be required to integrate the dev search tools back into the master branch and make this happen?

2 - Yes, that looks good. I will discuss with the client and will let you know his feedback.

3 - Yes, please do set all of those to "NO," as they will not be displayed on this site.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE: #23

For now, please go ahead and make those blog changes live -- I think it looks good enough at this point to push it out to all sites. I will check the sites individually to see if there are any that need to be tweaked, one way or another.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have updated the new detail page on both the dev and live sites per comment-59.

I have also made changes in the site per comment-63 and 64.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I noticed that the "Interactive Map Search" and "Property Tracker" images are not linked. Please let me know if I should link these images to "/louisville-mls/map/" and "/louisville-mls/property-tracker/" pages respectively.

Also, now that we have removed the sidebar navigation, there is no way to view other pages in Buyers, Sellers, About and Contact sections. Please let me know if I should display the sidebar navigation for these sections.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


The rotating testimonials look good, thanks.

Regarding the section filenames, thanks for doing that. Can you also update the links in the sidebar on this page? I believe I did not mention I had added that search by area box, and I think I also may have hard-coded the link values into that page. It would probably be better to reference constants for those from the shared constants_client_specific.asp file.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have fixed issue on the site-map page and added styles for ordered list to fix formatting issue with the Terms of Use / Privacy Policy page.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago

Please place further comments into Basecamp, here:

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


When you have time, we have a few more updates needed for the new site:

1 - On the home page, please integrate the main content block with the content manager and change the content to: (H1) Louisville Real Estate with the Joe Hayden Real Estate Team (/H1) "Welcome to the premier website for Louisville Real Estate! It is our pleasure to share with you the journey of homeownership. You can perform a comprehensive Louisville MLS search, you can view all Homes for Sale in Louisville, including Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt, and Shelby Counties. You can learn about Buying a Home and research Selling your Home. We are a highly-experienced team of agents ready to serve all of your real estate needs."

2 - Please add the following testimonials to the rotation on the home page: "The best part about working with Joe was that he was always more focused on answering our questions, giving us good advice, and finding homes that met our needs than he was on closing a deal. We would recommend him to anyone." John and Natalie Harris

"My wife and I have spent the past 12 years working in the Louisville area real estate market during which time we've met so many real estate agents. Joe is one of the very best and has the heart of a teacher. Joe's team is who we chose to sell our own home, and we would highly recommend them to anyone buying or selling a home in the Louisville area." Mike Roberts

"Joe Hayden is a very professional real estate agent who listened to our specific wants and needs. Since we from out of town his knowledge about East Louisville and Oldham County was most helpful. I needed handicap accessibility which is hard to find, and Joe did not waste our time looking at property that had no potential to meet my requirements. We highly recommend for all your real estate needs." Wayne and Becky Hartigan

3 - The client has finished creating the rest of the default pages for the community sections. Please update the Page Filenames for these pages from "/homes-for-sale/" to "/"

4 - For each of the community sections, the client would like to create "Featured Searches" as we have done for a few other sites (,, etc.) The client would like the following searches for each section:

Can you create Price Reductions, Short Sales and Foreclosures searches for each community section based on the criteria the client has used for creating the active listings widget on the default page for each section?

The client is then going to provide us with default text for the corresponding pages for each of the above, and we will use that to create community pages once he has given that to us.

5 - On the property listing detail pages in Internet Explorer, the four buttons across the top of the page are not all displaying in one line, but are wrapping to a second line. I'm sure this is a CSS issue with something defined on a global basis in the stylesheet. Can you see if you can figure this out? If you're not able to, let me know and I will ask Evgen to take a look.

6 - On the property listing detail pages in Firefox, the tabs are not displaying correctly (Overview, Maps & Street View, etc.) Again, I'm sure this has to do with a definition in the stylesheet -- please see if you can figure this out, but don't spend too much time on it. We will ask Evgen to look at it otherwise.

7 - On the property listing detail page (both the old and new version) can you change the title text of the Neighborhood links to exactly match the text that is being linked? So, for example, if the neighborhood link said, "See all homes for sale in Academy Ridge" the title text on the link would say that same thing instead of "See all Academy Ridge Listings"

8 - The client asked about the photos / images in the content pages. I can't remember now whether we are going to stick with the new site ID (340) or revert to the ID of the current site (182) when we make this site live. If we are going to move to a new site ID, can you add a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file of the CAA that would redirect any requests for content-manager images / photos on the old site to the corresponding location on the new site?

So, for example, a request to the following URL:

Would be 301'd to this URL instead:

I think that's it for now. These changes would be highest priority at the moment, as the client is very anxious to get this site up and running, and he is one of our most important clients.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Re #8:

2-- Unfortunately there is no such plugin for Facebook and I haven't yet used the jQuery twitter plugin either. I have thought of couple of alternatives to make these widgets more usable. As a first alternative, I have set the "overflow" property of widget container to "hidden" so that any content exceeding the height of the widget would not be displayed and placed "MORE" button (similar to the "DETAILS" button on the Featured Listings widget), which when clicked would expand the widget.

A second alternative would be to show the facebook/twitter widgets in an overlay. We can add placeholder images for facebook/twitter and a play button image, when clicked would show the facebook/twitter widget in an overlay, similar to the "Your Real Estate Expert" box.

We can also try to emulate the way facebook/twitter widgets are displayed on this page

5-- I have copied the XXL Bold Brown, XXL em Bold Brown etc styles into the content manager stylesheet and also into the global.css.

6-- I have checked the autocomplete plugins listed on this page There are a couple of plugins which can be used for our purpose as they have overriding functions to custom format the results, and However, these plugins do not have functions/methods to parse the resultant custom data or to get the corresponding custom value for the selected option, which we can do with ease in jQuery Autocomplete plugin.

Also, we won't need to include the whole jQuery UI script for the Autocomplete plugin to work. We can customize the script for Autocomplete plugin and the latest version of the custom jQuery UI Autocomplete script is only 21 KB in size. So, I think it would be good to use jQuery UI Autocomplete pluign then any other plugins. Please let me know your thoughts.

Also, please note that

1-- The site is now pointing to dev database.

2-- The sidebar navigation link was overlapping to the next link when exceeded the width of the navigation box. So, I have updated sidebar navigation links style to display link text in a single line.

3-- I have removed the sidebar HTML from the SIST sidebar_mls.asp, sidebar_mls_detail.asp and sidebar_search_form.asp files. Please let me know if I should set various "Display Sidebar" properties to NO on the Site Styles and Layout page of the CAA.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Perfect, thank you. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE #39:

I have updated the default text and the results order accordingly. Yes, It would be possible to add Area or County to the searchable options.

I have also update the formatting of the autocomplete drop-down to match the formatting of the Chosen plugin.

Please note that there was some issue in the autocomplete drop-down display on the search-tools pages in IE 9, most probably due to use of Prototype library on these pages. I looked for possible solutions but could not find any. However, using newer version of jQuery (later than 1.4.2) seems to have fixed this issue so, I have included /property-search/res/includes/jquery/jquery-1.5.1.min.js/ in the /sist/joehayden/clinet_js.asp.

I have also updated /property-search/ with /louisville-mls/ in page contents.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I ended up testing all most all front-end sites. There were a few sites which had issues in loading "featured listings" / search-tool pages. I've made changes to temporarily address those issues. I'll look into this in detail and get back to you on the same tomorrow.

The following sites have been updated

a -- to remove "FormDetailLinkFromAddress" function from the local functions.asp file

b -- to update listing-carousel-1/2.asp files to pass additional parameters to the FormDetailLinkFromAddress function.

Pls note that to fix this issue (b) I also needed to

i - reference common_functions.asp in local master.asp

ii - define some constants used in the common_functions.asp. These constants are added in the listing-carousel file.

If any client reports similar issues, pls check

1 -- if the site's local function.asp file defines the FormDetailLinkFromAddress function. If yes, pls remove the function.

2 -- if correct number of parameters are passed to the FormDetailLinkFromAddress function. This function is defined in the \MLS_Tools_Integrated\res\includes\common_functions.asp file.


Posted by Shah Vihar(unfuddle username: vshah)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I will work on point-1 and 4 tomorrow.

Regarding 2:

When we migrated saved-searches/content-pages to the new site, we thought this would be a one-time operation and the client would add/update saved-searches/content pages to the new site. So we created script accordingly. We will need to make changes in the scripts to migrate added/updated saved-searches and content pages to the new site. Please let me know if it would be fine to do so when we make the site live.

Please find attached a spreadsheet listing all the neighborhood pages added on or after 28 November 2011.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE: #17

Yes, I do suppose we need to treat this as the highest priority task, because (in some ways) our ability to complete the Joe Hayden project depends on this getting done. The Manual Listings are also a priority (for the Huff Realty project), but the project is not as urgent for Huff as it is for Joe Hayden.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I've discussed with the client and he is okay with waiting to merge content back together when the new site goes live. He is going to continue to need to make changes on the old (current) site until that time the new site is ready to launch. Will it be possible for us at that time to merge content between the new sites? I know it will be difficult, but the client feels it's an absolute necessity that he continue making changes on the current site until the new site goes live (for SEO purposes) and I was not able to deter him in this.

So, would you and Vihar be able to come up with a way that pulls the pages from both sites, and, for those that exist on both sites, compare the date last updated to select the most recent version and keep that as the current one?

I realize this may be somewhat difficult due to the fact that the sections are different between the two sites. Please let me know your thoughts on that.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE: #18

Thanks for making these changes. I will ask Arthur & Evgen to take a look at the styling issues to see if they can help with those.

One issue I am currently experiencing on the site is that when I click a listing in the Featured Listings box, I'm not able to view the property details for a listing -- I get an error message stating that there is a redirect loop, but I'm unable to determine why that might be. Do you have any thoughts?

Also, Joe Hayden has emailed a couple of times asking if we can help with the display of the H1 tag on the home page of his blog, which is inline with the RSS feed icon.

Can you make a change to the blog functionality to remove the RSS icon from its current location (inline with the H1 tag), and also remove the span tag wrapper from the H1 text. Instead, please try adding the attached image into the blog navigation include file, above the Home link (left-aligned with it), and with the same amount of padding between it and the Home link as there is between the Home link and the Posts by Category link. (You might try wrapping the RSS feed image in an H2 tag like those other links to achieve that equal padding).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


RE: #33-35

As I mentioned in #38, your updates to client sites look good regarding the featured listings & scrollers. In general, we should be sure to add to our list, once we are done with the and sites, that we should go back through all client sites to make sure all are using the common version of the programming within listing-carousel-2.asp (ie, referencing shared programming from /property-search/widgets/carousel.asp and /property-search/widgets/carousel-close.asp, and also that all carousels are pulling from saved searches rather than by agent / office id).

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Also on the JoeHayden site:

1 - Please update the "/louisville-communities/" section filename to "/subdivisions-and-neighborhoods/"

2 - Then, please update the section filenames for the different community sections as follows:

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have added programming to display rotating testimonials on the home page per comment-48. I have kept the previous testimony for testing purpose. Please check the same and let me know your feedback.

I have also updated the section names and filenames per comment-49.

I am not sure if you had chance to review the autocomplete changes I have made per comment #44 and my thoughts on comment #46. Can you please check the same in comment #47.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have made changes in the site per comment #56. Please note that, I have not removed the previously added testimonials. Please let me know if I should remove the same.

Regarding adding 301 rules for the image links:

Please note that, we haven't yet copied the images to the new site and updated the image links in the page contents. Per our earlier discussion, we had decided to do so at the time of launch. So, if we add the redirect rules now, the images would not be displayed on the new site.

Also, I am not sure if you had a chance to review my response in comment #47 to your question (in comment #46) about merging the new/updated content pages/saved-searches into the new site. As mentioned, it would be quite difficult to merge the contents from the old site into the new site. If you think it would be good to stick to the old site and add new sections into the old site, then we will need to perform following steps in addition to the three steps mentioned in comment #47:

1-- Update the site-id of the newly added pages/saved-searches in the new site (340) to 182

2-- There are four old content pages that have been updated in the new site (340) so we will need to update these content pages in the olds site (182).

3-- Run the script to add community pages and subdivision associations on the old site (182)

I think this would be straightforward and less time consuming then merging contents from the old site into the new site. Please let me know your thoughts on this.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have made changes in the site per comment-58.

Regarding new blog box, when I set the "li list-style-type" to square, square was not displayed on the home page and on the inner pages it was displayed outside of the blog box (please see the attached image). I spent some time on this but I could not fix the issue so, I have used the same triangle image that we have used in the content label widget (and on communities page). Please let me know if this would be fine.

Please check these updates and let me know your feedback.

Also, I am not feeling well for the last couple of days so I could not spend much time on other open tasks especially on the property details page. I should be able to complete the property details page in next couple of days.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Also, can you please make a quick change to the new property listing detail page (both the current version and the updated version that you are working on)? Joe Hayden emailed to say he felt that the photos on the new detail page look a bit blurry -- not in the "view large photos" / overlay view, but in the default photo viewer that is part of the page itself.

I see this being true, and believe it's because we are displaying the "middle" size of photos, which are actually smaller than the size at which we are displaying them, and so need to be enlarged for display on this page.

So, on the new property detail pages, can you update this photo area to pull the large version of the photos rather than the middle version?

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for pointing that out -- I will double-check those today. I do believe that each of those pages requires a valid searchid parameter in order to execute, and that some of them are even restricted to being active only during certain parts of the day. I will update this ticket later today with my findings.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have fixed the detail page issue.

Regarding blog, please note, that the RSS feed icon is added in the shared /global/sicm/blog/blog_posts_body.asp file and the span tag within the H1 tag was workaround to address the issue, RSS feed icon not being clickable when the Cufon font is used. So makinng any change in the RSS feed icon display for this site would also apply on other sites. Please let me know if this would be fine.


Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Unfortunately, I'm feeling a bit ill tonight and so am not going to be able to research this as I had thought. Would you mind taking a look at the programming in those xml_feeds/ pages. You can ignore the luxury real estate file (that creates a text file once per day), and you can also ignore the newpanda.asp file (same thing -- creates a text file once per day).

The trulia and zillow feeds could be tested on the site -- I think by passing in the id of the featured listings search on that site.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Also, as I am not feeling well tonight, I won't be able to provide feedback on any of the client sites additional steps -- so, for today, could you please coordinate with Vihar to see if there are any steps you can help with, either in the CAA or on the front end sites, to push the dev version of the search tools out to the live servers? Perhaps you could begin looking at integrating some of the new page components into the front end search tools? I know you will need some guidance there, but I think you should be able to get started on creating and integrating the programming for those components in the shared folders.

Thanks. Posted by Peskoe Ben(unfuddle username: bpeskoe)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


I have updated the links in the search by area box. Please note that when I click any of these links, I am redirected to 404 page as we have not yet added default pages for these sections. Please let me know if I should add the same or make an existing page the default page of each of these sections.

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)

Battler45 commented 4 years ago


Re #27:

I have pushed the blog changes to the live servers and checked this on 12 to 15 sites. There was an issue in the RSS feed icon display on the site. I have fixed the same. Please check all sites and let me know if we need to tweak the RSS feed icon display on any site.

Re #28:

I am slightly confused regarding integrating new page components into the search tools pages. Do you mean integrating "New Contact Form" and "Property Statistics Box" components on the front-end site content page and all of these components on the blog detail page?

Thanks Posted by Shah Vihang(unfuddle username: vihang)