BattletechModders / CBTBehaviorsEnhanced

Applies Classic BattleTech behaviors to the HBS BattleTech Game
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0% to hit certain locations when knocked down #115

Open IceRaptor opened 2 years ago

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago

Various users report the same issue; when knocked down units get a 0% chance to hit another location. not reproducible or consistent, so unclear where the source could be.

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago

Zeroo_Genesis — 12/29/2021 It seems that whenever I try to target a mechs left leg with Offensive Push, on a knocked down mech or when they are overheated and regardless of angle of attack I get told my chance to hit the leg is 0% and it has happened with every single enemy and with each of my units.

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago

Zeroo_Genesis — 12/30/2021 @FancyRaptor It is always the left side and I have only noticed it on the leg I've seen it with my hunchback, vulcan and a bushwacker on top of the vtols, would you like me to get a picture with one of them?

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago

Reported by Jaded Turkey

Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 Image Attachment file type: archive 12.59 MB Targeting a prone mech Idget — 12/30/2021 When you get back to Argo, could you grab a mechbay screenshot of what the mech you were trying to shoot it with has? Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 Image @Idget Another mech with same thing. More logs? Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 sure Image Third mech same shit )) Idget — 12/30/2021 Do me a favor. Pull back, and check your shot breakdown on the weapons panel. Accuracy modifiers. Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 Can't do... I hurried up... sorry Idget — 12/30/2021 Ah, no worries. Was just a random thought. dratax — 12/30/2021 is that a purple targeting line? Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 Image dratax — 12/30/2021 isn't a purple line for flank shots? Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 full frontal assault ))) Image dratax — 12/30/2021 hrm... the targeting line in this screenshot is red Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 Image Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 coz another screenshot and another target this one is overheated and standing but most chances are to hit left torso sooo maybe it could be tied to 'positioning'? dratax — 12/30/2021 in this second screenshot, it appears that you're selecting the left torso. so that makes sense Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 aw, sorry. Chances to hit are higher than to hit CT Image Image Idget — 12/30/2021 Well, it's not gear dependent, don't worry about the mechbay screenshot. Unless every unit you have is identical. dratax — 12/30/2021 this is weird. even if it was somehow using the flanking shot location weights, head should be higher than zero Idget — 12/30/2021 Yeah. It's odd as fuck. Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 they have only one thing in common - Adv. Optics, all 3 grades Jaded Turkey — 12/30/2021 @Idget @dratax Well guys... This is called shot vs unscratched operational mech. 0% to hit RT Image logs? Image dratax — 12/30/2021 yes, logs please FancyRaptor — 12/30/2021 WTF Thank you @Jaded Turkey FancyRaptor — 12/30/2021 Adv. Optics, all 3 grades What components are these? I'd like to see what effects they have on them @FancyRaptor Idget — 12/30/2021 @FancyRaptor ^^ FancyRaptor — 12/30/2021 Thank you very much @Idget Idget — 12/30/2021 also that is the other version we have FancyRaptor — 12/30/2021 RT Core has: "HitMechLocationProne": [ { "k": "Head", "v": 1 }, { "k": "CenterTorso", "v": 32 }, { "k": "LeftTorso", "v": 16 }, { "k": "RightTorso", "v": 16 }, { "k": "LeftArm", "v": 8 }, { "k": "RightArm", "v": 8 }, { "k": "LeftLeg", "v": 8 }, { "k": "RightLeg", "v": 8 } ], As the base prone locations It's almost like something is modifying the hit location directory based upon position Jaded Turkey — 12/31/2021 Just woke up. Will post them soon Jaded Turkey — 12/31/2021 Attachment file type: archive 27.85 MB Alekto — 01/18/2022 @RT-Crew still needed? Harkonnen — 01/18/2022 i am not sure this is fixed at least neither Kmission nor Frosty mentioned it benn fixed but on the other hand we didnt get any tciket about this in the last week or so, so maybe it is 🤷‍♀️ FancyRaptor — 01/18/2022 Please leave any tickets for me open another week and I'll do a sweep on them @Alekto Been occupied with other work Alekto — 01/18/2022 ok i will do and stop house cleaning then and hope youre well then and dont stress yourself over rt 🙂

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago