BattletechModders / CBTBehaviorsEnhanced

Applies Classic BattleTech behaviors to the HBS BattleTech Game
MIT License
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Backout of DFA state leaves weapons disabled #116

Open IceRaptor opened 2 years ago

IceRaptor commented 2 years ago

When i try and do a DFA check, it turns all my wepaons red and puts X next to them. If i decide I DONT want to do a DFA and instead do a normal jump or movement, it wont let me fire my weapons?

They stay all red with X and it just lets me choose brace. I tihnk i got round it once by clicking a special ability and that "reset" things but a few other times I couldnt do anything and just had to brace. This has happened nearly every DFA attempt.... This is what it looks like