Open BauerLab opened 10 years ago
Samtools variant calling is not working anymore with samtools 1.1
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference 16... Samtools-htslib-API: bam_get_library() not yet implemented /apps/gi/ngsane/devel_db//mods/ line 97: 1358176 Aborted samtools rmdup $f $OUTDIR/${n/bam/drm.bam}
This is a known issue with samtools 1.1 (
Workaround: use older version (e.g. samtools/0.1.19) by adjusting the default set of modules used in the samvar_config.txt
Samtools variant calling is not working anymore with samtools 1.1
This is a known issue with samtools 1.1 (