BaunCMS / Baun

A modern, lightweight, extensible CMS for PHP
MIT License
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Baun installed on subdomain - CSS does not show #19

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hello Sir developer of Baun CMS,

I almost installed it specifically on a subdomain with SSL under

The real problem is that CSS and design are not displayed. What make it so I can fix it I need?

This Baun installation is with me in the FTP account, and in the case of Plesk under /

Something is probably not linked correctly. Can you help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

xatlas commented 7 years ago

I had this problem and noticed that if you load page with https, css is still loaded with http, so browser blocks it (mixed-content).

I'm using CloudFlare so I can change one setting in CF to make all http requests through https. That solved my problem. Without CF maybe you can make some rewrite rules to point css files to use https.

I hope this can point somewhere to find a real solution.

marksouthard commented 7 years ago

This is odd as the {{ theme_url }} should output https:// if that is your site URL. @xatlas can you link to the site you were having issues with? Is the HTML outputting http:// still?

I might update to strip out the http so that the asset files are loaded properly regardless of SSL.

xatlas commented 7 years ago

Yes @marksouthard , you can check it at

marksouthard commented 7 years ago

In your layout.html file are you using {{ theme_url }} to load the stylesheet?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/style.css">

xatlas commented 7 years ago

Yes, I have this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/bower_components/skeleton/css/normalize.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/bower_components/skeleton/css/skeleton.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_url }}/style.css">
marksouthard commented 7 years ago

Have you set a base_url in the config/app.php file? If not, can you try setting that with https://

xatlas commented 7 years ago

If I set this

         // Path to the themes folder
         'themes_path' => BASE_PATH . 'public/themes/',
         // The currently active theme
         'theme' => 'baun',
         'base_url' => 'https://',

I get this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///themes/baun/bower_components/skeleton/css/normalize.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///themes/baun/bower_components/skeleton/css/skeleton.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///themes/baun/style.css">
marksouthard commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I meant for your site.

xatlas commented 7 years ago

Yes, this works for me