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April 2015 Node Breakfast #5

Closed subfuzion closed 9 years ago

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

We haven't had a Node Breakfast in ages? Anybody up for one in the near future? io.js brunch? ;-)

Where: Polyvore, Mountain View (map)

When: 9 - 10:30 AM, April 24, 2015

Who (max RSVPs: 25):

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Missing anyone we want to include in the list?

DonutEspresso commented 9 years ago

Bummer - don't think I can make either 4/10 or 4/17.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

How about 4/24? And doesn't have to be a Friday ... feel free to propose a date that works!

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I propose Specialtys in Mountain View ... easy freeway access, next to Hacker Dojo...

I can get there early and grab a big table or the back area ...

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I missed the one at Hobee's ... how did that work out? That also sounds pretty good.

Also there is Clarke's on El Camino with easy access from 85 and 237:

Not just good burgers, they have pretty good breakfast, too. Great outdoor seating if the weather's good.

chapel commented 9 years ago

I am fine with most dates, though this week is short notice.

Next week or the week after would work. Thursday or Friday works best.

yunong commented 9 years ago

Most dates work for me -- I just need a few days of heads up.


On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Jacob Chapel wrote:

I am fine with most dates, though this week is short notice.

Next week or the week after would work. Thursday or Friday works best.

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aheckmann commented 9 years ago

I'm not on the list but ether day SGTM.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

@aheckmann You are now :)

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Try voting on the best dates for you here

And where to eat here

DonutEspresso commented 9 years ago

4/24 works! Also voted for a bunch of other dates. Venue is flexible - I'll go anywhere.

FredKSchott commented 9 years ago

Awesome, it's been way too long :) I'm no longer working in the South Bay, but I can definitely make it down for a morning.

reid commented 9 years ago

Voted. April 20 or after is good for me...

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

@FredKSchott You working up in the city now?

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Results of the date vote so far:

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Only one vote for a venue so far:

nzakas commented 9 years ago

Sadly, still too sick to be out in public. Have fun!

trevnorris commented 9 years ago

Sorry. I've moved out of CA. Won't be able to attend.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I am really sorry to hear that, @nzakas. I have a friend going through the same thing. I wish you the best, man.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

@trevnorris forgot about that! hope you're enjoying life in utah. Well, hopefully @dshaw will provide some NodeSource representation! :+1:

dshaw commented 9 years ago


subfuzion commented 9 years ago


rosskukulinski commented 9 years ago

Voted as well. I'll be in SF April 16th & 17th for if anyone wants to grab coffee/drink.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

@rosskukulinski I will be happy to join you for coffee/drink. Looking forward to your presentation. :+1:

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone ... well picking a day was challenging. It looks like the best day will be April 24, although unfortunately that means @rosskukulinski and @micahr are out. I'm going to set the date as April 24 based on the vote, but feel free to chime in if there's a compelling reason to pick another day...

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

The only vote on a venue so far was mine (specialtys). However, Greg Stock at Polyvore has offered the use of their office. They are located right by the Mountain View caltrain, a block away from Castro street. They would like to sponsor, so what do you all think?

reid commented 9 years ago

ok with me!

chapel commented 9 years ago

I'm cool with that.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015, 4:08 PM Reid Burke wrote:

ok with me!

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subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone, there is one more thing we need to address here. Can you all think of your network and make recommendations on how we can be more inclusive? There are only men in this list; surely between all of us we can invite women in the node community at some of the larger companies or enterprise companies. We've grown, but this is looking embarrassingly like a men-only club...

chapel commented 9 years ago

@tonypujals you make a good point and we should reach out and see if there is anyone at all interested. Hitting up twitter now.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

@chapel ... that's great. I think the issue is that this has been a limited invitation-only group for individuals that are heavily involved in node performance, large scale deployment, and enterprise issues. We don't actually have a charter (we should fix that) and we need to be conscious of being as inclusive as possible within the node leadership community.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I suspect that @dshaw and @rosskukulinski can really help in this area, but ideally we should all be doing what we can.

KarbonDallas commented 9 years ago

Hey guys,

I got a ping from @chapel on Twitter! I'm happy to share my thoughts on the matter:

I think it's commendable of @tonypujals and @chapel to attempt to address the issue of inclusiveness with regards to invitees. With that said, I'm not convinced this is the best way to go about it. I can understand the sentiment behind wanting to foster a more diverse environment for your meet-up, but an approach this direct leaves me feeling a bit uneasy...

I have already been put in several situations where it becomes apparent to me that I have been invited so that I may serve as a token representative for a certain subculture or demographic. While I'm sure that isn't the motivation here, it doesn't save me from feeling slightly apprehensive about the idea of suddenly being invited to a breakfast club that has existed for about a year as a men's-only event (even if by accident).

I appreciate @tonypujals and his concern for cultivating inclusivity, but I would have felt a lot more comfortable with an invitation if it hadn't been framed from this angle.

tl;dr — I think the question you really need to ask is, "how can I become generally less exclusive in my everyday social habits?", rather than "how can we get more women to come have breakfast with us?"

Maybe this is a subject that could be discussed at your next breakfast!

Thanks for reading, — Emily Rose

chapel commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your thoughts Emily. I didn't think about how uncomfortable the approach would make you or anyone else. I am very sorry for not considering you or anyone's feelings on this matter.

I hope the bluntness of my approach doesn't cause further exclusion.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015, 5:59 PM Emily Rose wrote:

Hey guys,

I got a ping from @chapel on Twitter! I'm happy to share my thoughts on the matter:

I think it's commendable of @tonypujals and @chapel to attempt to address the issue of inclusiveness with regards to invitees. With that said, I'm not convinced this is the best way to go about it. I can understand the sentiment behind wanting to foster a more diverse environment for your meet-up, but an approach this direct leaves me feeling a bit uneasy...

I have already been put in several situations where it becomes apparent to me that I have been invited so that I may serve as a token representative for a certain subculture or demographic. While I'm sure that isn't the motivation here, it doesn't save me from feeling slightly apprehensive about the idea of suddenly being invited to a breakfast club that has existed for about a year as a men's-only event (even if by accident).

I appreciate @tonypujals and his concern for cultivating inclusivity, but I would have felt a lot more comfortable with an invitation if it hadn't been framed from this angle.

tl;dr — I think the question you really need to asking is, "how can I become generally less exclusive in my everyday social habits?", rather than "how can we get more women to come have breakfast with us?"

Maybe this is a subject that could be discussed at your next breakfast!

Thanks for reading, — Emily Rose

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KarbonDallas commented 9 years ago

@chapel I know you well enough to know that you meant well by soliciting my thoughts. That's the main reason I took the effort to write an honest take from my point of view.

It's great that you're willing to talk about this, and I think you should encourage the rest of the guys to talk about it as well!

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Hi @emilyrose, yes I agree. If you look at my original comments here, it was to start a conversation about being more inclusive, not to fire off invitations arbitrarily just to put a bandaid on the imbalance. It was a call to do better. @chapel might have jumped the gun a bit, but I think it was done in good faith. You make a good point about changing behavior from the get-go and this definitely should be a discussion topic and self-improvement opportunity. When I saw the tweet I immediately sent a dm to the effect that we want to be inclusive, but not just invite anyone arbitrarily just to hit some numbers. Anyway, at this point it's about making a genuiine effort to do better and all advice and constructive criticism is sincerely welcome.

Any advice about moving forward in an appropriate manner with a credible charter and invitation criteria, etc, is especially appreciated.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I'm at the gym painfully typing on my phone. In any case, if the message isn't perfect, the intention to do the right thing is sincere. There has never been any overt desire to be exclusive; you are absolutely right to challenge all of us to change mindsets from the beginning to ensure inclusiveness.

dshaw commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, @emilyrose. Always appreciated.

I'm happy to help node breakfast evolve to the next level if there's critical mass. I'm unfortunately traveling constantly lately, so I cannot personally prioritize driving this at this time.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Hey folks, I just wanted to introduce Chanda Dharap to the group. I helped mentor one of the Node teams at Women Who Code Silicon Valley last week and she was there. She leads the engineering team at StrongLoop, so having her join us at breakfast is a no-brainer. Looking forward to Friday. Please welcome her! :+1:

rosskukulinski commented 9 years ago

Hi Chanda Dharap - looking forward to meeting you.

CrabDude commented 9 years ago

Welcome @chandadharap! Glad to have you join us. I hope to see you at breakfast.

Another option for breakfast is Baji's in Mountain View. They should be dead around that time, and if I let them know, we could probably setup a large table in the back-room. Of course, it's a little less drop-in friendly, but they're crazy nice, cheap and tasty. Just bring cash and I'll provide change & cover the difference.

My only worry about Specialty's is that it'll probably get pretty loud. Coffee shops are usually busy till 10 with all the "just got to work, time to step out and get a coffee" people.

EDIT: Oops. Missed the part about Polyvore. That works. Baji's as backup.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

I agree @CrabDude ... I had the link for voting, and only threw Specialtys out there as an idea:

I had also considered proposing Clarke's on El Camino because they serve breakfast and it's always easy to get seating, particularly outside. I can actually hold the large table for the whole group.

Baji's also sounds cool...

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

For what it's worth, I didn't think it would actually be hard to get to Specialtys early to hold tables in the back area or outside for our group, and it has good food and coffee options for everyone. Along those lines, Boulanger might also be a good choice:

CrabDude commented 9 years ago

@tonypujals Wait, so which one? Polyvore, Specialty's or Baji's?

chandadharap commented 9 years ago

Thank you. Looking forward to common synergies. (I'll vote up Baji's if someone puts it out as a choice. )

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Adam Crabtree wrote:

Welcome @chandadharap! Glad to have you join us. I hope to see you at breakfast.

Another option for breakfast is Baji's in Mountain View. They should be dead around that time, and if I let them know, we could probably setup a large table in the back-room. Of course, it's a little less drop-in friendly, but they're crazy nice, cheap and tasty. Just bring cash and I'll provide change & cover the difference.

My only worry about Specialty's is that it'll probably get pretty loud. Coffee shops are usually busy till 10 with all the "just got to work, time to step out and get a coffee" people.

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Chanda Dharap Director, Engineering @StrongLoop Inc (510) 304-3924

StrongLoop* makes it easy to develop APIs in Node, plus get DevOps capabilities like monitoring, debugging and clustering*.

CrabDude commented 9 years ago

With regards to inclusivity and diversity and since this event has traditionally been indirectly BayNode related...

BayNode has always been and will always be fully inclusive without exception.

I am blind to the diversity of this group as well as the diversity of BayNode speakers or attendees. I require the same of my organizers. I am uncompromisingly equally supportive and respectful of the concerns of all my event attendees (BayNode, NodeSummit, DallasNode, DallasJS, nodebreakfast, etc...), regardless of any characteristic that may be applied to them. I require the same of my guests.

In this context, inclusiveness merely means this event was invite-only; Now it is not. @emilyrose I would love to have you join us, just as I would equally love to have anyone else here or on Twitter or BayNode join us. I have always enjoyed your presence and contributions when I've been fortunate to be accompany them, and I am equally appreciative of your perspective and input here. Any group demographic trends are a coincidence; For instance, @ceejbot attended our first Node Enterprise Breakfast at LinkedIn. Diversity of thought and perspective breeds excellence, something all are capable of contributing independent of background.

As an inclusive event, all guests will be joyously welcomed. If anyone would like to see more genders, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, political views, ages, etc... at this event, you have a responsibility to invite them.

_With deep respect, I recognize I am contributing to an off-topic sensitive discussion, one that is prone to unintentional and intentional misunderstanding and mischaracterizations. Please accept my sincere apologies in advance for pruning any further discussion on the topic from this conversation (including positive responses). I am always available to discuss this further, including in person. Reach out to me at BayNode, and I view it as my personal responsibility to ensure the above values._

/cc @emilyrose @chapel @tonypujals.

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

So this whole voting thing really isn't working out, is it. lol

Well, if no one is going to vote, then I guess Chanda as our newest member gets the honor of being the decider! :)

Baji's it is!

subfuzion commented 9 years ago

Hey all, Greg Stock has generously offered to host breakfast at Polyvore's office here in Mountain View this Friday. We settled on Baji's yesterday, but Greg reached out in the afternoon.

What do you all think? If we keep it at Baji's, I'm sure the offer will still be good for the next time. I'm passing the invitation along since it might be convenient with regard to the seating situation. Thoughts from anyone?

dshaw commented 9 years ago

+1 for Polyvore. They have a nice space.

CrabDude commented 9 years ago

+1 Polyvore sounds good.

On Wednesday, April 22, 2015, Dan Shaw wrote:

+1 for Polyvore. They have a nice space.

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Adam Crabtree Noderiety PO Box 3823 Los Altos, CA 94024 Telephone: _(_469) 777-8415 Email:

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