Closed mlukacs-Suxess closed 3 years ago
Hey; Probably help to throw in the version you hashed at; but basically if you are using enhanced in the current version which defaults at SHA384, when you're validating a password you need to hash the users password as entered using SHA384 the rest should be the same.
There are tests covering other languages based on hashes generated by them.
Thank you the help.
Hello, I have a database passwords with hasad this code :
BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.EnhancedHashPassword("test"); // the result is : // $2a$11$LSbpD8Wu2xD4mr878RM9k.2Am7A4WkqApoNzp40BagIzQmpPowh3e
And I like veryfi in other program, but the nodjs bcryt or bcryptjs cant verify this hash. ("$2a$11$LSbpD8Wu2xD4mr878RM9k.2Am7A4WkqApoNzp40BagIzQmpPowh3e")And I can't modify the database password. What can be the solution? Thank you for the help.