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[Meetup] June 2024 #42

Closed FDelporte closed 1 week ago

FDelporte commented 5 months ago

Meetup page:

Task List


After the event

Context and additional details

2024 June Event

FDelporte commented 5 months ago

TVH confirmed we can have the June session in Waregem. Possible dates: Monday 17, Thursday 20 (preferred by TVH), or Monday 24/6. Will now start looking for speakers...

N1cky94 commented 4 months ago

I understood we are looking for a new Speaker?

I can introduce Stijn Van Raes. He has a general talk on web3 and its possibilities. He will tailor the talk towards the IT industry. But it will be a general talk about web3.

I can also do a quicky, if you guys want, of 15 to 20 minutes. Pair programming made easy: GitHub CoPilot - On how CoPilot can be used as a pair programmer and let you excell as a developer.

FDelporte commented 4 months ago

Steve Pool would originally be our second speaker, but he had to cancel because of a double booking...

@N1cky94 yes, please, block your (15' talk) and Stijns (45' talk) agenda for 24/06 ;-) That would be a great combination! Practical arrangements later...

FDelporte commented 4 months ago

Restarting to look for main speaker with Java topic as Simon Ritters agenda also changed and is no longer available in June...

N1cky94 commented 3 months ago

Stijn can do the talk with content:

Afgelopen periode lag de blockchain- en cryptowereld even onder een dikke laag ijs tijdens de 'cryptowinter’.    
Maar na elke winter komt de lente – en met de lente een hernieuwde interesse in blockchain en web3.   
Maar wat is web3 nu precies en wat heeft het jou of je klanten te bieden?    
In deze niet-technische intro sessie in web3 vertellen we meer over:  
- De essentie van web3 en waarom web2 niet goed genoeg is 
- De impact die het zal hebben op zowat alle sectoren 
- De rol van blockchain als de motor achter web3 
- de werking van zo’n blockchain (high-level) 
- De huidige stand van zaken en de uitdagingen die er nog liggen 
- Plus, een heleboel inspirerende voorbeelden waar het nu al effectief gebruikt wordt.  

Ik zie dat je spreekt over solid pods, dat is strikt gezien geen web3 maar het verschil ertussen zal ik mee in de sessie opnemen.  
Zet er ook maar bij:  - verschillen tussen web3 en web3.0

I can do a small talk of 15 to 20 minutes on GitHub Copilot. Or I can do an hour talk on building a Vaadin app.

N1cky94 commented 3 months ago

Loic Magnette might have a new talk and needs a dry run - Full Stack development Quarkus

TomCools commented 2 months ago

@FDelporte has the 20th been confirmed? 😊 it is not clear to me in this conversation.

Asking because I might already be in Brugge the 20th, so that would be a nice date for me 🤣

FDelporte commented 2 months ago

Sorry @TomCools, you'll need to arrange a plane to West-Flanders twice... Date is Monday June 24, I added it now in the initial ticket message.

TomCools commented 1 month ago

@FDelporte the speaker name is "****" 😅 is this something we need to resolve still or you keeping it secret. 🤐

FDelporte commented 1 month ago

The secret is out, local top speakers ;-) Working on meetup and canva, will be available for the JUG this week