Closed johnhutch111 closed 2 years ago
No, because
function TpvVulkanFrameBuffer.AddAttachment(const aFrameBufferAttachment:TpvVulkanFrameBufferAttachment):TpvInt32;
if fCountFrameBufferAttachments>length(fFrameBufferAttachments) then begin
resizes fFrameBufferAttachments in advance by factor 2 (or as alternatve by factor 1.5) to save multiple resizing in succession. It is a common memory capacity pre-allocation strategy of linear allocators / growing of dynamic arrays, and the SetLength inside pvVulkanFrameBuffer.Initialize sets the size of fFrameBufferAttachments just again down to the real used count of frame buffer attachment items without the preallocated in-advance-factor-2x area.
Therefore, my request for the future, read the code more carefully, and above all try to understand the overall context.
Roger that
In the TpvVulkanFrameBuffer.Initialize procedure (PasVulkan.Framework) a call to set the length of the fFrameBufferAttachments is made. This should already be set previously by the Add.. calls made previously. If the length is not correct here, changing it will mess with the already set FrameBufferAttachments links. As is, the setLength does nothing so doesn't break any links but this seems to be a dangerous call.
procedure TpvVulkanFrameBuffer.Initialize; var Index:TpvInt32; FrameBufferCreateInfo:TVkFramebufferCreateInfo; begin if fFrameBufferHandle=VK_NULL_HANDLE then begin
for Index:=0 to fCountFrameBufferAttachments-1 do begin fFrameBufferAttachmentImageViews[Index]:=fFrameBufferAttachments[Index].fImageView.fImageViewHandle; end;
FillChar(FrameBufferCreateInfo,SizeOf(TVkFramebufferCreateInfo),#0); FrameBufferCreateInfo.sType:=VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_INFO; FrameBufferCreateInfo.pNext:=nil; FrameBufferCreateInfo.flags:=0; FrameBufferCreateInfo.renderPass:=fRenderPass.fRenderPassHandle; FrameBufferCreateInfo.attachmentCount:=fCountFrameBufferAttachments; FrameBufferCreateInfo.pAttachments:=@fFrameBufferAttachmentImageViews[0]; FrameBufferCreateInfo.width:=fWidth; FrameBufferCreateInfo.height:=fHeight; FrameBufferCreateInfo.layers:=fLayers;
end; end;