BeSimple / BeSimpleSsoAuthBundle

NOT MAINTAINED - SSO authentication providers (Cas for now) for Symfony2
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SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate #90

Closed rahulgpai closed 8 years ago

rahulgpai commented 8 years ago

Hi Team,

I am working on this bundle since past few days and it appears as if this is never ending run. I take care of one issue and another pops up.

The documentation for the bundle is not enough too for configuring it entirely. Additionally, I am facing more issues because I am trying to get this bundle to work with FOSUserBundle and FR3D LDAP bundle together.

First question here, is it possible? I think it is using chain providers but when I last succeeded to get this to work closest to my requirement, I found that a never ending redirection loop with the following observations from the dev.log file - CAS authentication successful and then returned to my app and thereafter User was reloaded from the User Provider and then I had a Authentication Exception thrown with the message "Authentication has not been validated by SSO provider". And I was stuck on it for couple of days after which I (don't know why) thought of using composer update and everything screwed up even more.

Now I have the issues of - 1) Unknown SSL protocol error which after resolving resulted into 2) Subject name of certicate doesn't match the host ... error which after resolving resulted into SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate which I am presently stuck on.

If any one knows what to configure next, please help. And to the creators, please work on the documentation in deep. There are core files which throw error and as a work around one cannot make changes to the core files. And overriding each is not an option either. There should be an alternate way to configure the values using parameters.yml or config.yml for the core files too. And if there is such a way, please let me know as I did not come across any, online !

config.yml has

be_simple_sso_auth: admin_sso: protocol: id: cas version: 2 server: id: cas login_url: cas login url logout_url: cas logout url validation_url: cas service validate url*

parameters.yml has

be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_ssl_verifyhost.value: FALSE
be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_ssl_verifypeer.value: FALSE
be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_sslversion.value: 1

And still the error !!! And work on the documentation guys !!!

*these are proper urls

rahulgpai commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

I was able to fix the long chain of issues I was facing in configuring and getting this bundle to work together with fosUserBundle and fr3d ldap bundle. Finally. I am posting the solution here so that it may be of some help to someone !

This is how my config.yml looks -

BeSimple SSO bundle related config values

be_simple_sso_auth: admin_sso: protocol: id: cas version: 2 server: id: cas login_url: "%cas_login_url%" logout_url: "%cas_logout_url%" validation_url: "%cas_validation_url%"

FOS user bundle related config values

fos_user: db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb', 'couchdb' and 'propel' firewall_name: main user_class: UserBundle\Entity\User

FR3D ldap bundle related config values

fr3d_ldap: driver: host: "%ldap_host%" port: "%ldap_port%" username: "%ldap_connection_string%" password: "%ldap_password%" user: baseDn: "%ldap_base_dn%" #DC=wr, DC=loc #DC=example,DC=com filter: (&(ObjectClass=Person)) attributes:

This is how my parameters.yml looks

parameters: database_host: database_port: null database_name: YourDataBaseNameComesHere database_user: root database_password: null mailer_transport: smtp mailer_host: mailer_user: null mailer_password: null secret: ThisCanBeAnything

cas_login_url: YourCasLoginUrlComesHere
cas_logout_url: YourCasLogOutUrlComesHere
cas_validation_url: YourCasServiceValidateUrlComesHere

# Below mentioned lines are important and have resolved issues related to Unknown SSH protocol error, Certificate name does not match host, Self Signed Certificate etc. Certainly setting verify host and verify peer to FALSE is applicable when NOT on production

be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_ssl_verifypeer.value: false
be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_ssl_verifyhost.value: false
be_simple.sso_auth.client.option.curlopt_sslversion.value: 1

My routing.yml looks like this

login: path: /login defaults: { _controller: BeSimpleSsoAuthBundle:TrustedSso:login }

login_check: path: /login_check

logout: path: /logout

fos_user_security: resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/security.xml"

fos_user_profile: resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/profile.xml"

And finally the big piece in the puzzle, security.yml. My security.yml looks like this [which finally made all of this working when put together]


    UserBundle\Entity\User: bcrypt

        entity: { class: UserBundle\Entity\User }

without adding the above provider, it was resulting into redirection loop after CAS successful authentication and was throwing the error The authentication is not validated by SSO provider. Didn't spend time to find the actual reason behind this, but having above provider resolved it somehow.

            providers: [fos_userbundle, fr3d_ldapbundle]


        id: fos_user.user_provider.username

        pattern: ^/

        #anonymous: ~ or true  uncommenting this line will result in the error loginAction expects $manager, null given error.

        form_login: ~
        provider: chain_provider
            manager: admin_sso
            provider: chain_provider
            login_action: false #BeSimpleSsoAuthBundle:TrustedSso:login
            logout_action: false #BeSimpleSsoAuthBundle:TrustedSso:logout
            create_users: true
            created_users_roles: [ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN]
            default_target_path: homepage
            always_use_default_target_path: true
            login_path: /login
            check_path: /

          path: /logout
          target: /login

          secret: '%secret%'
          lifetime: 604800 # one week in seconds
          path: /

These settings will perhaps take care of the possible 5-6 issues (listed below)

Unknown SSH protocol, Self Signed Certificate Error, Certificate Subject does not match Host, Authentication not validated by SSO provider, Looped Redirection and so on

These bothered me for quite a few days in setting this up and getting this working. Hope this helps someone !!!