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Photo gallery... Missing??? #40

Closed pm990320 closed 8 years ago

pm990320 commented 9 years ago

Photo gallery seems to be gone...

"Our gallery is not currently available."

Investigate, and get back up and running

pm990320 commented 9 years ago

Got it... now just need to add the images in again as they seem to have disappeared...again

tcmal commented 8 years ago

Is this done? Let me know if you need any help

pm990320 commented 8 years ago

This is one of these menial tasks I despise... I'll see what I can do today & I'll see if there's a better plugin for the gallery too

tcmal commented 8 years ago

I'll do it, Pretty sure it's my fault it broke in the first place.

tcmal commented 8 years ago

Using new gallery plugin, Added images which aren't post images, etc.

There's not much, I assume we have some from the conference we can add. Will search hard drive.

pm990320 commented 8 years ago

Ah you're too kind, I would have done it haha Yep, I'm pretty sure there's more, even from the photo shoot day too

tcmal commented 8 years ago

Got some on my hard drive. Will take a look right now and caption them soon.

tcmal commented 8 years ago

Added everything I have to the Gallery, Feel free to add/remove stuff.