BeaconCMS / beacon

Open-source content management system (CMS) built with Phoenix LiveView. Faster render times to boost SEO performance, even for the most content-heavy pages.
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Webfiles and Metatags: Generate `robots.txt` #219

Open AZholtkevych opened 1 year ago

AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Generate robots.txt for sites.

Each site will have its own robots.txt which must be resolved dynamically by adding a route /robots.txt to

A request to that route should call Beacon.Lifecycle.generate_robots_txt/1 which will provide a default implementation that should work for most scenarios:

User-agent: *
Sitemap: #{endpoint.url()}/sitemap.xml

generate_robots_txt/1 should receive site as argument and call Elixir.Beacon.Config.fetch!(site).endpoint.url() to fetch current site url to be used as prefix for sitemap.xml location.

Then that content should be served as txt.

Depends on #169


AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Depends on #95

AZholtkevych commented 1 year ago

Generating the file itself is trivial but we need to research how to serve it on multiple domains

leandrocp commented 1 year ago

@AZholtkevych we can remove the dependency of #95 and add dependency on #169