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Dogecoin Competitions #6

Open billyb2 opened 3 years ago

billyb2 commented 3 years ago

A good way of appealing users to our platform could be by doing ranked competitions for Dogecoin. As an example, every time a user deposits or withdraws Dogecoin, we take 1% of it. At a minimum we take 2 (that will pay for the transfer fees, plus a little something for us to keep.) When a user wants to join a competitive Dogecoin competition, they simply tell the server to transfer 10 Dogecoin into the prize pool. Once enough people have joined, the game then starts. Whichever team wins will get all the Dogecoin split between each other equally. As an example, if the prize pool is 200 Doge (since there are 20 people total who each sent in 10), and one team wins, they'd each get 20 Doge. We could increase the numbers of course, or have higher minimums (10 doge is a few cents), but this could be a great way to incentive people to join our servers, and for us to make a small amount of money.