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Visibility options for the user based on their input #25

Closed RichardLitt closed 9 years ago

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

The user should be able to say if they want to be public, private, in their groups, etc.

This will have to be reflected in the UI as well as in the database.

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

Classification of info by private, colleagues, and public -- reflected in spatial segments of the interface, and also the color code (we'll want consistent color code).


I think a simple model might be start with 4 categories of social relationship, useful for both sharing and signaling what groups things come from:

myself - own user private - hand-picked set of collaborators ("your group") field or colleagues - colleagues close in the publication graph - automatically generated public - everyone (naming adjustable)

To me, this is pretty simple and covers most use cases, or at least a large set of important starting ones. A user can share to a small set of hand-picked trusted people, but doesn't have to sit and curate everyone (google circles problem) to share more broadly.

So, these "audiences" would appear in autocomplete fields (similar to google circles' groups) when:

making a note sharing anything (paper, note, etc) flagging anything (inaccurate, etc)