BeamCtrl / Airiana

SystemAir Modbus Ventilaton Controller VR400/VR700/VTR300/VSR300/SaveCair
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Installation oin a raspberry pi 4 with HA os #30

Closed Ontrackx closed 1 year ago

Ontrackx commented 1 year ago

Hello, i have a rasberry pi4 running HA os

For me a novice, it is not clear how to install this. ' Also a prewiev ow the web gui would have been nice :)

Anyone that can point me in the right direction? Rpi4 wit ha os HF2221 Modbus over tcp/ip i also have the IAM module. IAM is only for the app purpose Modbus HF2221 Port 502 Buffer size 512 Keep alives 60 Timout 0

Protocol settings Max accsept 32

Security disabeled Route UART1

Serial port Baud 38400 81N

Buffer 512 Gap time 50 Flow control half duplex Cli disabled Protocol setting modbus

I actually have no clue if this is the correct settings. But it works with another setup i have

BeamCtrl commented 1 year ago

Hello, If you have the IAM just follow the IAM instructions for getting it to work. I am not sure about what is different if any from RpiOS to HaOS. Anyway you should be able to use Airiana with only the IAM configuration present.

Good idea with some screenshosts, Ill get on it.

Ontrackx commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the answer, yes i understand. But it is the part of cloning the git via ssh commandline in Homeassistant on the rpi i dont quite understand Commands to use, phyton 3 is installed but i get the error Solved it had to go into cd /config after ssh\ing in

  1. git clone ok ➜ ~ cd /config ➜ /config git clone Cloning into 'Airiana'... remote: Enumerating objects: 3774, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (856/856), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (274/274), done. remote: Total 3774 (delta 597), reused 835 (delta 581), pack-reused 2918 Receiving objects: 100% (3774/3774), 752.98 KiB | 3.45 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2586/2586), done. ➜ /config python3 ./ python3: can't open file '/config/./': [Errno 2] No such file or directory ➜ /config dir

What am i doing wrong here?

BeamCtrl commented 1 year ago


git clone 
cd Airiana

not sure what you are trying to reference, note that "/" is top level root dir, "~/" is your user home dir, and "./" is current dir.

Ontrackx commented 1 year ago

It is so weird i can see the folder if i use ls and i can see the folder with content but cant navigate to it Airiana home-assistant.log.fault scenes.yaml VSR home-assistant_v2.db scripts automations.yaml home-assistant_v2.db-shm scripts.yaml blueprints home-assistant_v2.db-wal secrets.yaml configuration.yaml image sensor.yaml custom_components input_boolean switches customize input_datetime traccar.xml deps input_number tts esphome input_select www global known_devices.yaml zigbee.db groups.yaml nest zigbee.db-shm home-assistant.log node-red zigbee.db-wal home-assistant.log.1 rtsp2webrtc_v5_aarch64 ➜ /config ➜ /config

it is zsh i do not know if it differs from normal ssh

Ontrackx commented 1 year ago

Aw crap after using cd /config
just write the folder i wanted to go into

Next problem i think i have cloned it to the wrong folder subfolder sould it be cloned to the root system ? ` Airiana git:(master) python3 ./ Installing the AirianaCores setup autostart for airiana.service Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/Airiana/./", line 124, in setUart() File "/config/Airiana/./", line 23, in setUart boot_file = open("/boot/config.txt", "r+") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/boot/config.txt' cp: can't create '/etc/systemd/system/': No such file or directory sudo: systemctl: command not found setup autostart for controller.service cp: can't create '/etc/systemd/system/': No such file or directory sudo: systemctl: command not found Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/Airiana/./", line 159, in if boot_cmd not in open("/boot/cmdline.txt").read(): FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/boot/cmdline.txt' Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'> BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/Airiana/./", line 124, in setUart() File "/config/Airiana/./", line 23, in setUart boot_file = open("/boot/config.txt", "r+") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/boot/config.txt' ➜ Airiana git:(master) ✗

I think i will screw up my homeassistant system without a step by step for a rasberry with HA-os install, i want to try more but going to work for 6 weeks. Dont want the misses to get mad because of a downed homeassistant. I will try this on a ubuntu vm first i think

BeamCtrl commented 1 year ago

sounds like a plan, I can not say what is wrong, Im running my home assistant in a docker on top of my normal rasbian buster installation. //D good luck

Ontrackx commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to get this via the Home Assistant Community Add-ons at some point? Tried manually adding the repo but it complaines with is not a valid add-on repository Probably some dependencies missing and stuff. Im a end user who likes to fiddle until i get things to work. It stops there :)

BeamCtrl commented 1 year ago

No, airiana is not an addon for home assistant

BeamCtrl commented 1 year ago

Closed as not suprted.