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Fix Markdown formatting of Public server configuration and make it consistent #61

Closed purifiedfr closed 3 weeks ago

purifiedfr commented 3 months ago

In places such as this line in the English version, the Private = False (to make the server public) configuration entry example, is written as "`**Private = False**`", which shows as **Private = False**. This is incorrect, as the bold attribute should be wrapped around the codeblock, instead of inside the codeblock.

However, other languages that include the Create a Server documentation page, are inconsistent and include no bold attribute. I made those languages consistent by adding making them bold aswell.

purifiedfr commented 1 month ago

While we are touching this, could we please adjust all languages to be correct? Most of them say True and False, which is not valid TOML. They must be lowercase.

I'll try do this asap, most likely later today

O1LER commented 3 weeks ago

How do i resolve the change request from @lionkor, can i even do that?