Closed miguno closed 1 year ago
That's strange, this code is working for me without crashing. What Nuget version are you using?
using System;
using Flecs.NET.Core;
using World world = World.Create();
filter: world.FilterBuilder(), // You can omit this
callback: (Iter it) =>
I am using 3.2.7-build.12
<PackageReference Include="Flecs.NET.Debug" Version="3.2.7-build.12" />
<PackageReference Include="Flecs.NET.Release" Version="3.2.7-build.12" />
Regarding your code snippet: When I remove the filter: ...
line, then the app crashes with:
fatal: flecs.c: 44682: assert: table != NULL INTERNAL_ERROR
1 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010e8c86cc flecs_log_msg + 3696
2 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010e934590 ecs_printv_ + 328
3 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010e833990 ecs_log_ + 156
4 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010e8173c8 ecs_assert_ + 388
5 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010e84f8c4 ecs_table_count + 92
6 ??? 0x000000028173b5a4 0x0 + 10761778596
7 ??? 0x000000028173b4e0 0x0 + 10761778400
8 ??? 0x000000028173b3fc 0x0 + 10761778172
9 ??? 0x000000028173f3b8 0x0 + 10761794488
10 ??? 0x0000000281739c34 0x0 + 10761772084
11 ??? 0x0000000281739714 0x0 + 10761770772
12 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010ea02b18 ecs_run_intern + 3420
13 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010ea01c24 flecs_run_pipeline_ops + 2472
14 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010ea03b14 flecs_run_pipeline + 3580
15 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010ea00778 flecs_workers_progress + 320
16 libflecs.dylib 0x000000010ea04d84 ecs_progress + 808
17 ??? 0x00000002817390ec 0x0 + 10761769196
18 ??? 0x0000000281739014 0x0 + 10761768980
19 ??? 0x0000000281737330 0x0 + 10761761584
20 ??? 0x00000002817368d4 0x0 + 10761758932
21 ??? 0x0000000281158040 0x0 + 10755604544
22 ??? 0x00000002810e1830 0x0 + 10755119152
23 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001056f2a48 CallDescrWorkerInternal + 132
24 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001055bd24c _Z26CallDescrWorkerWithHandlerP13CallDescrDatai + 108
25 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001055bd704 _ZN18MethodDescCallSite16CallTargetWorkerEPKmPmi + 640
26 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001054e8890 _Z7RunMainP10MethodDescsPiPP8PtrArray + 548
27 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001054e8b04 _ZN8Assembly17ExecuteMainMethodEPP8PtrArrayi + 268
28 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010550f854 _ZN8CorHost215ExecuteAssemblyEjPKDsiPS1_Pj + 476
29 libcoreclr.dylib 0x00000001054d71bc coreclr_execute_assembly + 224
30 libhostpolicy.dylib 0x0000000104b38520 _Z19run_app_for_contextRK20hostpolicy_context_tiPPKc + 904
31 libhostpolicy.dylib 0x0000000104b387a4 _Z7run_appiPPKc + 56
32 libhostpolicy.dylib 0x0000000104b39028 corehost_main + 160
33 libhostfxr.dylib 0x0000000104acb040 _ZN10fx_muxer_t24handle_exec_host_commandERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERK19host_startup_info_tS8_RKNS0_13unordered_mapI13known_optionsNS0_6vectorIS6_NS4_IS6_EEEE18known_options_hashNS0_8equal_toISD_EENS4_INS0_4pairIKSD_SG_EEEEEEiPPKci11host_mode_tbPciPi + 1092
34 libhostfxr.dylib 0x0000000104aca4c0 _ZN10fx_muxer_t7executeENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEEiPPKcRK19host_startup_info_tPciPi + 852
35 libhostfxr.dylib 0x0000000104ac77c0 hostfxr_main_startupinfo + 152
36 monotone 0x0000000104a3d4d0 _Z9exe_startiPPKc + 1436
37 monotone 0x0000000104a3d6c4 main + 160
38 dyld 0x0000000188f31058 start + 2224
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at Flecs.NET.Core.BindingContext.OsApiAbort()
at Flecs.NET.Bindings.Native.ecs_table_count(ecs_table_t* table)
at Flecs.NET.Bindings.Native.ecs_table_count(ecs_table_t* table)
at Flecs.NET.Core.Table..ctor(ecs_world_t* world, ecs_table_t* table)
at Flecs.NET.Core.Iter.Table()
at monotone.Game1.<CreateSystems>b__11_2(Iter it) in Game1.cs:line 183
at Flecs.NET.Core.Invoker.Iter(ecs_iter_t* iter, IterCallback callback)
at Flecs.NET.Core.BindingContext.RoutineIter(ecs_iter_t* iter)
at Flecs.NET.Bindings.Native.ecs_progress(ecs_world_t* world, Single delta_time)
at Flecs.NET.Bindings.Native.ecs_progress(ecs_world_t* world, Single delta_time)
at Flecs.NET.Core.World.Progress(Single deltaTime)
at monotone.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in Game1.cs:line 236
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior)
at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in Program.cs:line 3
What I am currently doing is using a sentinel tag that the system queries, which is a workaround so that I can add a working query to the system and still know that the query is reasonably cheap (as, in my setup, there's only a single entity in the system with that sentinel tag).
I tested the code snippet you provided in a new project—it works. So the error lies elsewhere, will take a look.
Are you by any chance calling Iter.Table()
anywhere in your callback function? When running a system that uses 0 terms, it looks like the table pointer is always null. In the C# API, I make a call to ecs_table_count
in the table constructors which is what I think is causing the crash. I am working on updating to flecs version 3.2.8 right now and will add a null check before calling ecs_table_count
but you should avoid using the table struct inside of a system if you can. This C++ sample produces the same assertion.
int main(void) {
flecs::world ecs;
ecs.system().iter([](flecs::iter it) {
Yes, I do call Iter.Table()
in the callback. Nice find!
That call is not necessary for the callback's functionality, so I can simply remove that call for the time being. FWIW, I used Iter.Table()
to inspect what kind of entities the callback was iterating on, copying from the Hello World example from flecs.
you should avoid using the table struct inside of a system if you can.
Interesting, I was not aware of this being an anti-pattern (again, because it was shown in literally flecs' own first code example). Thanks for letting me know!
you should avoid using the table struct inside of a system if you can.
Sorry that was a typo, I mean't you shouldn't use it in an empty table system. It's fine to use tables otherwise. Closing this issue now!
Let's say I want to create a system that prints delta_time on every tick. How can I do this with Flecs.NET?
Here's how to do it in C:
The system above doesn't query for any components which means it won't match any entities, but will still be run once for each call to
.The following attempts didn't work with Flecs.NET: