BeanieODM / beanie

Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
Apache License 2.0
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Provide any information about transactions in documentation #536

Open roman-right opened 1 year ago

roman-right commented 1 year ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **Phobos-Programmer** April 5, 2023 Unfortunately, there is no any information in about transaction and how to use them with beanie. Please add notes that it is possible to have transactions with beanie and provide some example. Thx!
devandreassimmeth commented 9 months ago

Hi @roman-right

First of all thanks for all the work you put into the library. I'm working with it over a year now coming from years of development in .NET and I think it is a very good object-document mapper library!

Until today I did not need any transactions, but now I'm on a point, where I really need them, so I searched and found that thread. Really nice that it's already implemented, so I don't have to do it on myself. Is there a possibility to provide some information and maybe an example in the near future? That would make my work even easier!

Thanks a lot guy!

Rocking greetings from germany, Andreas :)

MahmudulHassan5809 commented 9 months ago

Hi @roman-right .

Thanks for this awesome library. I am using this one of my current project . i did not notice any information about how to handle transaction.

can you please give me a basic example if possible . Thanks .

k1ng commented 4 months ago

I found example of using the transaction from @roman-right in Discord.

import motor.motor_asyncio
from pydantic import BaseSettings

from beanie import Document, init_beanie

class Settings(BaseSettings):
    mongodb_dsn: str = "mongodb://localhost:27017"
    mongodb_db_name: str = "beanie_db"

class Sample(Document):
    name: str

async def main():
    settings = Settings()
    cli = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(settings.mongodb_dsn)
    db = cli[settings.mongodb_db_name]
    await init_beanie(database=db, document_models=[Sample])

    async with await cli.start_session() as s:
        async with s.start_transaction():
            await Sample.find(
       == "smth",
                { "new_val"}

Session could be provided as an argument to any method of the query builder. To set, istead of find for example:

         await Sample.find(
       == "smth"
                { "new_val"},

Or it can be set in a separated method even:

        await Sample.find(
       == "smth"
                { "new_val"}