BeansGalaxy / Beans-Backpacks-2

1.20 inventory management mod. Designed to solve inventory clutter and transferring items while belonging in vanilla Minecraft's aesthetic.
MIT License
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Crash with Cauldron if (modded) block does not have `waterlogged` Property #126

Closed Red3Tango closed 2 months ago

Red3Tango commented 2 months ago

Versions: Minecraft - 1.20.1 BeansBackpacks - forge-1.20.1-0.24-v2.jar Forge - 47.2.23

When Ctrl+Clicking on a modded block (Terrafirmacraft) that does not have a property for waterlogged, will cause game/server to crash. With Terrafirmacraft the ability to pickup/place water blocks is extremely limited to late-game (requires specific items). With Backpacks it works without issue, as long as the target block does not contain any of the TFC modded blocks.

Having a .json config file to disable putting the Cauldron on your back that could be overwritten in a datapack would be extremely helpful, especially for TFC.

The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property BooleanProperty{name=waterlogged, clazz=class java.lang.Boolean, values=[true, false]} as it does not exist in Block{tfc:rock/loose/andesite}


BeansGalaxy commented 2 months ago

I'll add an option in the next update. Super cool to see terrafirmacraft updated again, used to love that mod. Can't wait for someone to get it balanced & working with Create

BeansGalaxy commented 2 months ago

20.1-0.25-v2 on Modrinth lets you change the max_stacks of Pots and Cauldrons to 0 which disables them.

Red3Tango commented 2 months ago

Thanks, already tested and works nicely! Fits much better with TFC now, as you can no longer move source blocks with buckets, it requires making pumps!