BeansGalaxy / Beans-Backpacks-2

1.20 inventory management mod. Designed to solve inventory clutter and transferring items while belonging in vanilla Minecraft's aesthetic.
MIT License
21 stars 1 forks source link

GUI display bug #136

Closed VitaminJake closed 2 months ago

VitaminJake commented 2 months ago

When stacking past 64 of any item in either the backpack UI or the internal inventory little spot, it blanks the entire display. The items can still be retrieved, just not seen. Tested with multiple backpacks (leather, wing, end), tested with vanilla and modded items. At least it's in a playable state, no critical game break with this.

(sorry bean man, cut off one head and three more grow out)

BeansGalaxy commented 2 months ago

this mod's about to be single player only soon lmao. I can't re-create this, do you mouse tweaks installed and is this in single player?

VitaminJake commented 2 months ago

Not a mouse tweaks interaction, tried with it uninstalled. Can confirm 100% only occurs on server. Singleplayer working fine. To be honest, don't pull your hair out over this one, I probably won't ever update again unless we find something game breaking. I think we finally found a version with everything important ironed out. I'll take this more than happily with no crashes or duplicating haha, I really love this mod

BeansGalaxy commented 2 months ago

I'll do some more server testing then. I've really been pushing to get out of beta so a lot of code had to be re-written, that's why every update there seems to be a lot of new bugs without any changes. Thanks for hanging on and the support, but yeah, unless there's any worse bugs than a little server-client desync then wait until the full release :)) If these bugs are like a hydra then I must be Steve Rodgers 💯💯 💯

BeansGalaxy commented 2 months ago

Solved in 0.27-v2. Minecraft's default networking only allows to send item stacks with the size -128 -> 127 since there shouldn't ever be an item stack in the game above 64. Adding 200 torches causes the number to overflow and it would send the client -72 and since it's empty the menu would remove it. It wouldn't happen in single player since it's never sent through the internet and can still handle items being as large as they want.