BeansGalaxy / Beans-Backpacks-2

1.20 inventory management mod. Designed to solve inventory clutter and transferring items while belonging in vanilla Minecraft's aesthetic.
MIT License
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Async entity load Crash #170

Closed yunus-cakir closed 2 weeks ago

yunus-cakir commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! We are getting a crash when we tried to pick up our bag! And if we re-join to server and try, its starting to jumping and then crashing! Is it possible because of the mod HTM?

BeansGalaxy commented 2 weeks ago

The entity.beansbackpacks.locked.is_removed means the backpack for some reason was told to be removed from the world but wasn't killed. If you're only having issues when restarting the server I would look into any mods that might alter entities loading like maybe performance mods.

yunus-cakir commented 2 weeks ago

The entity.beansbackpacks.locked.is_removed means the backpack for some reason was told to be removed from the world but wasn't killed. If you're only having issues when restarting the server I would look into any mods that might alter entities loading like maybe performance mods.

Hi! We're not restarting the server and this the pack that we use. Could you check if you have the time please? I would really appreciate if you could help me because other backpack mods are not really nice.

BeansGalaxy commented 2 weeks ago

The issue is between the instant_place client config option and Concurrent Chunk Management Engine. Disabling instant place or removing C2ME fixes the crash. I've been dismantling the 1.20.1 version to update it to 1.21 so putting it back together and updating it will take a few days. I'll keep you updated on any progress :)

yunus-cakir commented 2 weeks ago

The issue is between the instant_place client config option and Concurrent Chunk Management Engine. Disabling instant place or removing C2ME fixes the crash. I've been dismantling the 1.20.1 version to update it to 1.21 so putting it back together and updating it will take a few days. I'll keep you updated on any progress :)

Thanks I'll wait! :)

BeansGalaxy commented 2 weeks ago

Skill issue when I first set up networking with my mod. After all this time there was never an issue so it's gone unnoticed. I'll get v2.1 out after a little testing.

BeansGalaxy commented 2 weeks ago

v2.0.1 is out with a fix :)