Beapi-io / spring-boot-starter-beapi

Springboot 'convention over config' starter for API Automation
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TASK : Add in WebSocket Support #117

Closed orubel closed 1 month ago

orubel commented 2 months ago

Need to start looking at adding Websocket support for those who want to add streaming.

Example: Chat servers have API's but also use websocket, game servers use API for sending game data but use websocket for streaming character/monster coords, etc

This just makes for a more complete plugin/starter

orubel commented 2 months ago

so running integration test for websockets and routing is getting 'mixed' with api routing:

### RequestInitializationFilter...
prior to requestProcessed
### anonymous user denied access

Going to have to dig through the config/filters to differentiate the protocol

orubel commented 2 months ago

so yeah, headers are being sent on initial connect...

Header: sec-websocket-key/nwNCOzGXSxaWLfgSbTY9mA==
Header: connection/upgrade
Header: sec-websocket-version/13
Header: host/localhost:35113
Header: upgrade/websocket

Should be able to distinguish connections based on headers

orubel commented 1 month ago

create as separate starter/application