BearWare / TeamTalk5

TeamTalk 5 Development
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added user id to android client user prop #2248

Closed peter1384 closed 1 month ago

peter1384 commented 1 month ago

@bear101 I don't know why this doesn't compile, i've done everything for it that was needed for this to work. Can you please look and tell me?

bear101 commented 1 month ago

Please finish your merge requests. I don't plan to do it.

peter1384 commented 1 month ago

@bear101 i'll finish it my self, just i'v done everything properly, but it doesn't compile, it gives an error called faled to link rezorses file

beqabeqa473 commented 1 month ago

Here is not a learning centre.

Programming is not based on trials and errors, so go ahead and study and return back to it when you will have understanding how things work.

peter1384 commented 1 month ago

@beqabeqa473 and here is not a personal attacking place. So, kindely stop your fighting, because i will not allow you to talk to me like that. thanks.

peter1384 commented 1 month ago

for now i'm closing this, i'll develop it better later. For now i'll be working something else