BearWare / TeamTalk5

TeamTalk 5 Development
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TeamTalk v. - Inaccessible Preferences Dialog #2257

Closed StormProductionsMusic closed 1 month ago

StormProductionsMusic commented 1 month ago


Hey there, so I just installed the latest beta of TeamTalk, pressed F4, seems like I can't access neither the tabs or their content at all. I just see the cancel and the ok buttons. So basically I can't control my TeamTalk's settings alltogether.



Expected behavior

The settings window should be fully accessible as it was in previous versions so I can change anything.

Actual behavior

Only the OK and Cancel buttons are visible in the dialog with no way to change any setting at all.

Steps to reproduce problem

Just update to the latest beta version, press F4 and you'll notice you can't change any setting.

CoBC commented 1 month ago


there is a Qt issue with Qt6.8, see here: [QTBUG-124854] Unable to focus tab bar using keyboard - Qt Bug Tracker

I already asked @bear101 to rollback to Qt6.7 for now :) so it will probably be the case as soon

StormProductionsMusic commented 1 month ago

Understood. Closing this issue then since it'll eventually be fixed anyway.