Beardlessbrady / Currency-Mod

Currency & Ecnonomy in Minecraft
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[Suggestion] Add Amount in wallet display #73

Closed UnRealDinnerbone closed 5 years ago

UnRealDinnerbone commented 5 years ago

Add a number in the top right of wallet GUI showing how much money is in the wallet

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Good idea. Im working on a 2.0 of the mod and Ill be sure to add that in when the times comes.

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Although I don't plan on adding any new features to the 1.0 version since its so small I will. Will be in the next release

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Added in the 1.3.6 release (which is out now)