Beardlessbrady / Currency-Mod

Currency & Ecnonomy in Minecraft
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Exchange machine not working #78

Closed Corncck closed 5 years ago

Corncck commented 5 years ago

When trying to setup items in the Exchange machine, I will often have a full inventory of items I've entered to sell later, and I will have gone through and entered prices for each item, but when I close out and try to reopen the machine, all of the items are gone. I've noticed though that when you mouseover the items before closing out, the machine will tell you in 'slot settings' (where you edit the price) that the item id is [no item]. I'm not sure if this is a user error or a mod error, but I find the issue really annoying. image

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Are you able to recreate this issue with no other mods present. Let me know :)

Corncck commented 5 years ago

hi! so disabling all mods except for the forge ones does not solve the issue, its still exactly the same. Hope this helps! :)

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Yes thank you, will look into it hopefully soon!

Corncck commented 5 years ago

Any progress on the issue, yet? Just curious @BeardlessBrady

Corncck commented 5 years ago

lmao sorry- i thought close meant close the comments

Beardlessbrady commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I am no longer working on the 1.0 version. Putting all my free attention on the rewrite.