Bearle / django_private_chat2

Chat app for Django, powered by Django Channels, Websockets & Asyncio
MIT License
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Add more instructions to quickstart #17

Open periwinkleFTW opened 3 years ago

periwinkleFTW commented 3 years ago


I want to make it work in my project

What I Did

I followed the instructions with adding the django_private_chat2 to the settings, added urls, asgi stuff, and added this to my base template:

<!-- Page-specific JS goes here -->
{% block javascripts %}{% endblock javascripts %}

<!-- Django private chat -->
{% block extra_js %}{% endblock extra_js %}

What do I do next? I created a new dialog in the admin. Using django_private_chat(previous version) docs I found the url to see the dialogs at but i just see this when i open this url:

{"page": 1, "pages": 1, "data": [{"id": 1, "created": 1624491923, "modified": 1624492271, "other_user_id": "1b9e1903-4baa-489b-bdc9-bb43babf2cc2", "unread_count": 0, "username": "", "last_message": null}]}
Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 5 59 45 PM

Where do I go from here? Do i need to make a view for dialogs? Do I need to run some commands like run_chat_server? Am I missing something? I am completely lost

Larryson7780 commented 1 year ago

Hi The tutorial is not clear please The templates how we do it