Beat-YT / ChatGPT-Moderation-Blocker

Block the moderation endpoint of ChatGPT (
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Now it doesn't work #23

Open reneelewsi1 opened 2 months ago

reneelewsi1 commented 2 months ago

It used to work, but now it seems to have stopped working, and I can't see any responses Capture

HoaryFoxtrot commented 1 month ago

" Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 332 (line 3 column 1) "

This is specifically a result of this function which anticipates JSON, but OpenAI has changed the response structure so it's not necessarily valid JSON or nd-JSON.

Further, 'moderation_response' is no longer a key in the JSON, since they have changed that part of the format, too.

Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'moderation' in {"type": "moderation", "conversation_id": "....", "message_id": "...", "is_completion": false, "moderation_response": {"flagged": true, "disclaimers": [], "blocked": false, "moderation_id": "...", "audio_blocked": null, "metadata": {}}}

Beat-YT commented 1 month ago


Do you happen to have an example of such non-json data?

AdanLo commented 1 month ago

Hi Beat-YT,

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your enthusiastic support.

Regarding the issue mentioned above, the recent response will be like this whenever the content violates the speech censorship policy, as shown in the attached image.

Looking forward to your updates and fixes. Thank you!

2024-10-23_14-55 2024-10-23_14-55_1 2024-10-23_14-55_2

Best regards, Adan Lo

Beat-YT commented 1 month ago

I have published the update, but currently waiting on chrome web store to approve it .