BeatAroundTheBuscher / ROSIGMA

A submod for 40k OXCE
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Low Priority - Research Review: Player Weapons MultiAlternative-Dependencies #24

Open LeflairKunstler opened 3 years ago

LeflairKunstler commented 3 years ago

I´ve added a bunch of Gravgun research as "dependencies" for the gravgun DEP1, used by the Adeptas Gravgun research. This means any captured gravgun will unlock the players gravgun research. Same for flying armors.

But we probably have more such cases where multiple enemy weapons should unlock player research.

Plasma weapons especially, but maybe also for some higher end bolter weapons.

An opportunity to give captured Ork weapons some more utility for the player, Snazzguns and Megablastas (plasma) for example.

No rush, but whenever you have time and feel like it, take a look. I feel like I´m a little blind here for what´s possible, to make research more useful and multipurpose (40k mod is missing some of that XCOM feel, maybe there´s a smarter and more interesting way to do all this).

BeatAroundTheBuscher commented 3 years ago

The entire research tree could use some rethinking. Ork Weapons and such also being possible unlocks is interesting. Perhaps the research can be linked to some kind of danger rating of weapons and as more dangerous weapons are used by weapons, high command allows more advanced weapons to be requisitioned. This could help with the progression but can also create artificial locks which may become annoying (thinking of tier progression of UFO:ET)