BeatAroundTheBuscher / ROSIGMA

A submod for 40k OXCE
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Added Anti-Dodge Tags; Minor Balance Tweaks/Fixes #270

Closed Surrealaser closed 1 year ago

Surrealaser commented 1 year ago
  1. Added infrastructure for Flat and Percentile dodge reduction tags.

  2. Exitus Rifle has 100% dodge reduction; no one can dodge a Vindicare.

  3. Vindicare Assassin now has 50% dodge with 4 dodges; he's a proper temple assassin with Invul 4+.

  4. Removed copy pasta from Eldar Grenade.

  5. Slightly reduced the aimed shot cost of the Heavy Mortar from 55% of TUs to 50%.

  6. Vindicare given 50% Heatvision and improved NV distance to 35 tiles.