BeatAroundTheBuscher / ROSIGMA

A submod for 40k OXCE
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Ideabox #1: Suppression system #7

Open LeflairKunstler opened 3 years ago

LeflairKunstler commented 3 years ago

Update: Sort of implemented with the DUG-IN system, where multiple "hits" will reduce the next "dodge" chance until it's 0%.

Popped into my head so I´ll write it down while I remember - might exist a openxcom solution already, or maybe not.

A Suppression system exists in a bunch of tactical turn based games like XCOM, Company of Heroes, nuXCOM and board games. Basically how it can work here is that just the act of shooting applies a debuff - regardless of hit or not. A hit = more of a debuff, wounds = more of a debuff (like already exists with stat loss). More shots = more of a suppression debuff. Shooting off 15 rounds with a heavy stubber = very good at suppression. It can also be made to scale with calibre or weapon types, so a pistol gives less suppression vs a machinegun or an explosion. As can specific non-lethal, or less lethal, grenades have a suppression niche (frag grenades vs krak for example).

If its tied to these parameters, "suppression" doesn´t need to be a special attack (although it could be, it likely wouldn´t work well with OpenXcom AI).

Debuff = Basically, it pins units in place, draining their TU or Energy, and reducing their accuracy and REACTION (a good way to give the player a tool to remove overwatch). Suppression could also cause a tiny amount of morale damage, not worrisome for a 50+ morale brave boy, but could cause issues for a low morale unit. Like 1 morale damage per miss/suppression bullet. This debuff is temporary and recovers quickly (basically 1 turn without being shot at restores the unit to full stats, could be tied to morale stat). The other thing it does is introduce UTILITY to some weapons which aren´t the most accurate or damage dealing or efficient otherwise. Third, it introduces a way to deal with very dangerous enemies, a whole squad of guardsmen can now deal with some enemies through suppression tactics.

Antidebuff: Morale abilities (Active) and passive (power armour halving suppression effect, daemons not being suppressed, berzerkers having suppression resistance etc). Both for the AI and the player so it can´t be overabused. For the player, ASSAULT units and Terminators, Stormtroopers, Sentinels, Marine Bikes etc could have suppression resistance, giving them more utility (And in some cases, a reason to take them over 4 more dudes).

Second aspect is AI, like a line that dictates how likely the AI is to do suppression shots specifically (low accuracy shooting), kinda like how one can dial in likelyhood to take out-of-sight Sniper shots. AI enemies we know use heavy stubbers for example could be set to use suppression shots whenever possible, blasting away at low to none accuracy.

[Really elegant would be if suppression took only close misses and hits into accounts, not sure how doable that is though, or really necessary]

For edge cases where theres just one lone player unit surviving vs one of these units, they´ll eventually run out of ammo (bullet/physical) based weapons could be given higher suppression values vs lasers/energy).

Deep dive balance, lets think of how it would actually play out: This system would mostly affect non-power armor units (where maybe 1-2 autofire bursts suppresses a unit), while power armor users would require 3-4 (Spitballing). This means its very effective in the early game, but rapidly drops off once its just chaos space marines, daemons and Chaos Sisters running around (the occasional Beastman or Ork not withstanding). Still a handy tactic on occasion if you got say, 4 dudes trying to close in on a chaos terminator. Just keep shooting while advancing and say, 4-8 autofire bursts will render the Terminator at least less accurate/likely to pop an overwatch at your melee unit. Not effective when dealing with 12 enemy terminators attack you, but I don´t think it should be either. It is on the other hand useful for reducing risk when dealing with enemy stragglers, that could otherwise get off those annoying reaction shots that sends a heavy plasma shot through the head of your veteran soldier. Worth it?

LeflairKunstler commented 3 years ago

Note: Buscher comment, suppression possible ON HIT, but not on miss. Might need new version of openXcom Extended.

BeatAroundTheBuscher commented 3 years ago

Might also consider some other system like in Final Liberation increasing suppression level on team mate death. But that mechanic is the same as the current OpenXcom morale one.

LeflairKunstler commented 3 years ago

Does low morale = lower accuracy/reactions?