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Design: Modules: Real World Examples #83

Open DianaHajTPS opened 8 years ago

DianaHajTPS commented 8 years ago

Real World Examples default should be expanded not collapsed.

Clicking "read more" collapses it and vice versa.

Also the "Have you seen or used..." section underneath it is missing.

Reference from final PDF: screen shot 2016-08-16 at 11 28 40 am

adrian-the-git commented 8 years ago

Ah, I like this switching much better.

DianaHajTPS commented 8 years ago

Real World Examples should appear on every module except for snapshots, even if there are no urls designated in the gdoc. If there are no urls yet, the user will see the "Have You Seen Or Used.." under the title. This will allow us to collect content if we have none and make the process more participatory.

daveomitchell commented 8 years ago

...on every module except for snapshots...

Clarification: ...every module except for snapshots and stories, since stories describe unique, historical, un-repeatable real-world occurrences & it doesn't make sense to talk of, say, a "real-world example" of Brazil's free fare movement.

DianaHajTPS commented 8 years ago

Yes, thank you for catching that!

adrian-the-git commented 8 years ago

I wrote a tool which works alongside the API to accept submissions after a user passes a reCAPTCHA. The tool can upload submissions to a google doc for moderation and inclusion in the greater doc collection available from the API.

SO it should now be straightforward to add this and other contribution forms to the site (up until now the data has had noplace to go). I expect I'll have them working sometime tomorrow.

daveomitchell commented 7 years ago

Hey Adrian,

I'm very late to this party, but HATS OFF to you for this act of wizardry!

One question: what's the process for reviewing/approving/being notified when links/images are submitted? I just submitted an article to "Democracy promotion" to test it out.

Once we've got this figured out I may ask Chelsea to go back through BT's Facebook for some more articles/images/etc. that could be added as RWEs...

p.s. Relevant links, for speed of reference:

adrian-the-git commented 7 years ago

Well the process is undefined so far.

The contributions go here:

And they're in ArchieML, so it's possible for them to be read back into the content loader and shown alongside the relevant modules, or they can be copied and pasted into the relevant docs. The former solution would require me to wire together that functionality while the latter works right now. As far as notification, I can set up an auto-emailer.


adrian-the-git commented 7 years ago

Auto-emailer is set up. Configurable via the [.notification-emails] key here:

The question remains: is copying and pasting the last three items of each RWE into the relevant doc a good enough process for whoever will be tasked with handling this?

daveomitchell commented 7 years ago

ok, fantastic, @adrian-the-git

so the process will be: when I receive a notification email, I'll follow the links and copy over the last three items at the top of the RWEs of the relevant module. make sense?

and any thoughts one way or the other on what (if anything) I should do with the text of submissions once I've added them? i assume I'd either just leave them to accumulate, or delete them as I deal with them...

DianaHajTPS commented 7 years ago

@rapicastillo the only thing that's not correct in terms of the design for the Real World examples is that the "Have you seen..." form should be part of the collapse/expansion of "Real World Examples of..."

@adrian-the-git I believe you're the one working on pulling the images for RWEs right?

adrian-the-git commented 7 years ago

I believe you're the one working on pulling the images for RWEs right?

Yep. There will be file paths in the API data.