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XPlanar TrackMove Method #49

Closed CopeWalkerBeckhoff closed 1 month ago

CopeWalkerBeckhoff commented 2 months ago


It would make more sense to rename the existing TrackMove method "TrackMoveXY" and create a new TrackMove method with the one dimensional track position as an input.


MarcWilkinson commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the feedback. I originally used the X and Y input arguments as convenience item to save the user the step of calculating the dimensional track position, but I can see use cases where having that ability would be beneficial. I will look into getting this implemented in the next release.

CopeWalkerBeckhoff commented 2 months ago


In my case I'm indexing a mover along path for an assembly process. I set it up so that a track would be in the desired mover path, and you move a mover to that track and then index it along the track, so if the customer moves the tooling in the future (especially if you move it to index along Y instead of X for example), you just need to move the track vs re-write the indexing code.

MarcWilkinson commented 1 month ago

This will become available in a future release. Closing out the issue.