Beckhoff / ADS

Beckhoff protocol to communicate with TwinCAT devices.
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Are RPC Methods available using the C DLL? #131

Closed chrisbeardy closed 3 years ago

chrisbeardy commented 3 years ago

Hello, does anyone know if using the C DLL it is possible to do RPC method call of Methods from PLC FB's, like you can in the .NETimplementation?

I have had a look around the C files and can't see anything obvious, I'm not sure if it is possible to get the symbol of the method and just do a read/write to the correct memory areas.?

I ask this as I would like to be able to add this feature into the popular pyads package.

dayaftereh commented 3 years ago


a working example to call a method can be found at infosys.


typedef struct
    unsigned long a;
    unsigned long b;
} MethodParameters;

// ...

long nErr, nPort;
AmsAddr Addr;
PAmsAddr pAddr = &Addr;
ULONG lHdlVar, rValue;
char szVar[] = {""};
MethodParameters params;

// ...

nPort = AdsPortOpen();
nErr = AdsGetLocalAddress(pAddr);
if (nErr)
    cerr << "Error: AdsGetLocalAddress: " << nErr << '\n';

pAddr->port = 851;

nErr = AdsSyncReadWriteReq(pAddr, ADSIGRP_SYM_HNDBYNAME, 0x0, sizeof(lHdlVar), &lHdlVar, sizeof(szVar), szVar);
if (nErr)
    cerr << "Error: AdsSyncReadWriteReq: " << nErr << '\n';

params.a = 5;
params.b = 5;

nErr = AdsSyncReadWriteReq(pAddr, ADSIGRP_SYM_VALBYHND, lHdlVar, sizeof(rValue), &rValue, sizeof(params), &params);
if (nErr)
    cerr << "Error: AdsSyncReadWriteReq: " << nErr << '\n';

cout << "rValue: " << rValue;

nErr = AdsSyncWriteReq(pAddr, ADSIGRP_SYM_RELEASEHND, 0, sizeof(lHdlVar), &lHdlVar);
if (nErr)
    cerr << "Error: AdsSyncWriteReq: " << nErr << '\n';

nErr = AdsPortClose();
if (nErr)
    cerr << "Error: AdsPortClose: " << nErr << '\n';
chrisbeardy commented 3 years ago

this looks great, thanks. Can you repost the link please, its linking to:


and I cant seem to find that example


dayaftereh commented 3 years ago


I found the example under TwinCAT ADS .NET Samples -> Samples ADS .NET -> PLC method call

chrisbeardy commented 3 years ago

awesome thank you