Beckhoff / ADS

Beckhoff protocol to communicate with TwinCAT devices.
MIT License
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ADS error 0x701 (1793) when reading SystemId #186

Closed mtheikkila closed 1 year ago

mtheikkila commented 1 year ago

Not possible to read SystemId from the Beckhoff IPC, PLC in run state.

  1. Background: Cloned the repository, set PLC up and running in separate IPC and start testing example code in Debian 11. updated IP addresses and AmsNetId -> build and tested communication with the PLC. -> Works (all the variables are read/wrote successfully) :)

  2. Added lines of code to read the system id example code: auto device = bhf::ads::LicenseAccess{ std::string(remoteIpV4), remoteNetId, AMSPORT_R0_PLC_TC3 }; device.ShowSystemId(std::cout); device.ShowPlatformId(std::cout); device.ShowVolumeNo(std::cout);

Result: 2023-01-31T10:13:42+0200 Error: ShowSystemId(): failed with: 0x701 2023-01-31T10:13:42+0200 Error: ShowPlatformId(): failed with: 0x701 2023-01-31T10:13:42+0200 Error: ShowVolumeNo(): failed with: 0x701

  1. adstool gives: ./adstool license systemid 2023-01-31T10:30:33+0200 Error: AdsException message: Ads operation failed with error code 6.
pbruenn commented 1 year ago

The SystemId is not supported by AMSPORT_R0_PLC_TC3. You have to ask the R0_LICENSESERVER [1].
So either do:
auto device = bhf::ads::LicenseAccess{ std::string(remoteIpV4), remoteNetId, 30};
or just let LicenseAccess use its default by setting the port to 0:
auto device = bhf::ads::LicenseAccess{ std::string(remoteIpV4), remoteNetId, 0};


mtheikkila commented 1 year ago

of course! Problem solved. Thanks for help.