Beckhoff / ADS

Beckhoff protocol to communicate with TwinCAT devices.
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Ping an AMS NetId #200

Closed DonMiguelSan closed 11 months ago

DonMiguelSan commented 1 year ago

I have a function to parse the xml file with the static routes, nevertheless I want to ping them to ensure which of them are available and with the ads port opened (in Run mode), at the moment I perform a connect operation to check the ads status, but it seems too complicated to just test if they are available and connected. is there an official supported way to do this?

pbruenn commented 1 year ago

When I try to "ping" an ADS service I query its state e.g. like this

or in plain ADS:

soberschmidt commented 1 year ago

You can read the adsStates from every amsNetId in staticroutes.xml from the system service (amsPort=10000) as @pbruenn already mentioned.

DonMiguelSan commented 1 year ago

Great info, i have to implement it also in c#, i did not realized that i was in cpp Repository, is there something similar for c#? i just looked in the dll but there are only two enums available in that namespace, any suggestions? image

soberschmidt commented 1 year ago

Check the .NET ADS API

DonMiguelSan commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much that is exactly what i was looking for

DonMiguelSan commented 1 year ago

Hello again,

i have checked the suggested information but unfortunately ended being not exactly what i was looking for, this provided solution was ok to read the status of the local AMSNETID, nevertheless it does not provide the capability to show the status of every static route configured in the machine:


My aim is to read the route and check the state with a single call, at the moment i implemented a "Broadcast" method to achieve this, but for me it is not the optimal way to do it.

At the moment i read the static routes xml file and perform with every result of the list a connect , after that i read the ads status with the same method provided by you guys.

Is there something similar supported or do i have to connect first to every ads route to check the status?

Downside from this approach: If the ip or the AMSNETID do not exist anymore that i have to wait a timeout from the connect method, and as soon as you have 5 static routes it is too much time lost

pbruenn commented 1 year ago

Well, this is a typical network issue. There is no magic I know of to fix this problem.

You can run the checks in parallel to reduce the overall amount of time. And you can reduce the timeout to wait even less.